And that is just air leakage brother. I cannot think of a single IR application where IR is the final diagnostic tool. It is always just a means to find the problem.
And that is just air leakage brother. I cannot think of a single IR application where IR is the final diagnostic tool. It is always just a means to find the problem.
Linas, Jim, Jason, John, thanks for all the advice. That’s really what I’m looking for is seasoned advice from guys who have been there and done that. Thanks again for the info.
I don’t want to waste my time or money. I don’t want regrets. It seems there is still a lot of wild west type action going on with IR. No licensing. No standards. For building type applications that is.
I think I’m going to continue to research. Maybe this fall or winter take some classes and purchase a camera.
Side note. Someone mentioned better to invest with expensive equipment that cheaper equipment. 10k can make you 40k or more. Well, I kind of agree but it’s like with home inspections - we all use different computers, camera, HI report software, tools, vehicles, and so on. Some spend more than others. Just because I spent less, doesn’t make me any less qualified.
I do quite well in home and commercial inspections. If I get into the IR business, I’d expect to do quite well also. I’m not going to spend 20k-30k only to make 20k or 40k. I’m not going to drop 10k per year or every other year to make an extra 10k-30k per year either. I would like to bring in six figures. If I can do less building inspections and more IR and I achieve my goal per year, great. This is one of the most important things I need to figure out most. Minimal time, most money, excellent service. I don’t know if any of you guys on the MB are doing six figures w/ IR, but it sounds far and few between. It more sounds like this is a supplemental business to the HI. I just can’t seem to justify spending 10k to make 10/20k per year, then in 2 years sell my 10k equipment for 2k only to spend 10k again on newer technology. Fine line here. I think that’s what’s appealing to the lower end price point equipment, unfortunately the lower equipment does not yet have the technology to offer a quality thermal scan for most applications.
If I’m seeing it wrong please let me know
If you can’t figure it out by now, you never will.
I never said inspectors/contractors cannot be liable.
To perpetuate that only BPI energy auditors are allowed to seal
air leaks in order to sell your position as the sole expert is hype.
Obviously caution should be used, but the DOE does not treat the
subject of sealing air leaks as a skill beyond the do-it-your-selfer,
or require a BPI certification.
All those who offer services, regardless of certification, should
advise the client to have gas fired appliances and venting examined
by a qualified Professional, after sealing air leaks.
Common sense
That is what we teach in every class. IR is never a stand alone tool.
I am not sure if I buy the idea that unless you spend $20K you
should fear making comments about air leaks (you sell blower
doors and energy audit tools, correct?)
I know a power company that goes around Texas sealing air leaks
and weaterizing houses with federal money. They send in
people to look at the venting of gas fired appliances when their
done. No blower doors or BPI/RESNET inspections are done.
They get fantastic results.
Should they stop doing this? They have never been sued?
You said the other day that you were waiting for IR cameras
to come down below $1000 so you could buy one and throw
it in your tool box. So far you have spent zero on an IR training,
yet claim to be an expert who advises others who have done IR
for years.
I think I just did in my post above right I need to see if there is a market in my area to make the type money I want for my time spent. If not, I continue with building inspections, radon testing, mold sampling.
I’m assuming there is less physical work load than doing building inspections correct?
What about liability? Is there e/o insurance for IR?
I also know the inevitable is coming sooner than later. The majority of home inspectors will have an IR camera. They will sell themselves as a ‘‘better’’ inspector for having one. Not sure about other states but here in GA, no licensing. Majority of inspectors are weak and have no clue what they’re doing. Most will be out of business in under a year.
More and more are getting IR cameras. Some cheap cameras w/ little or no training. I get more and more calls asking if I have an IR camera. There will be a point and time that you will have to get a IR camera to keep up with the times. If there is no standard, license, or law to operate one or an IR business, then that is where I see the advantage of having better equipment and training.
Think that we’re about 3-5 yrs before this will start to manifest. I’ve got time, no rush yet.
Some E&O providers cover IR for home inspectors and some do not.
Mine does.
FLIR estimates that 75% of those who buy an IR camera,
in the building industry, do not get any training. It is already
a problem.
This is why Nick increased the INFRARED CERTIFIED requirements
to include hundreds of more hours to fulfill. Training is key.
If you are paying attention, your entire industry is undergoing a change in Georgia. The NAR reported today that there are 37% fewer licensed agents in your state than three years ago. Of the two-thirds that remain, the majority are brand new. This means that you…and other inspectors like you…are in the position to take control over your business and take full advantage that was given to you by your Governor when he vetoed the special interest home inspection licensing bill.
You…or someone else in our profession in Georgia…needs to rise up and take the lead in educating the real estate salesmen in Georgia what a home inspection is to be and how they can advantage by it.
It will not…and should not…entail IR imaging for it reveals the weakness in our profession for professionally trained thermographers.
Put 10 different inspectors with 10 different cameras in front of the same wall and you will have 10 different interpretations of what they see. Why create the chaos when it means so little toward the basic inspection report?
Yup… some can see defects with IR and some cannot. :mrgreen:
I know a home inspector who hadn’t ever inspected a home in his life just 5 years ago. He had been working for a huge electronics company for 17 years. He decided it was time for a career change due to being gone 300/365 days of the year. He started doing infrared home inspections from day one and began clearing over $100k by his 3rd year. He now clears $180,000 and has every man toy you can dream of. Infrared was his biggest tool for success.
I want name any names on his behalf but he’s probably the least qualified yet highest priced inspector in SLC and stays booked a week out.
He bought a lot of breakfasts while preforming a lot of real estate presentations. He’s also just a great salesman which is always helpful.
He may not be nearly as qualified as the 30+ year inspector but 9/10 people would choose him because of the way he markets the Infrared Technology.
Infrared can be used as just as much of a powerful marketing tool as it can be for an actual inspection tool.