NACHI about to go from big to enormous, if we minimize message board hypersensitivity

You’re quick, Frank. I thought I would edit out my heart felt expletives, but I see you preserved them for me. Oh, well.

I think a little thicker skin is much needed by lots of the regular posers (I mean posters!) on this board…:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Fight against John how? What ideas of his are so abhorrent they even rate opposition?

If you don’t like what he says, ignore it.

I personally find John to be a breath of fresh air and nothing but professional.

Lewis, although fetchreport is working and has been for a while, it hasn’t gotten to the PPR (pay per report) stage yet. If you liked and you will really love where this is all going. Hang in there. I too am happy with just the pieces, but the whole puzzle is going to change the world.

Frank, Some of us vets have learned what is worth a fight, and what value there can be in the path of least resistance . . .
Sometimes ya gotta sit up in the trees & watch the groundpounders.

Hi Russ!
I spent 2 1/2 years in South East Asia “pounding the ground” in 1967, 1968, and 1969.
I am somewhat used to it!:wink:

I know, Frank-
It doesn’t mean we have to take “flak” for the rest of our lives, though!

I agree!:smiley:

Now that tell that to some of the :|.) “chuckle heads”:|.) that are constantly on the attack!

Ha, Right, He bashes NACHI way to much! He appears to be kissing Nick’s *** one minute then on this message board talks about how bad his *** stinks. (I meant it figuratively of course.) I can not stand by and watch somebody vandalize NACHI. Where is your pride? Are you not proud of the way NACHI is changing the inspection industry? We have freedoms here, that I have pointed out before, that no other inspection organization members have. We need to fight for our freedoms now, before somebody like John Bowman takes them away. We are NACHI, not ASHI.