Neutral and Ground Sharing Same Bus Bar?

I was touching up on some electrical knowledge and was a little confused. I thought neutral and grounds can only share a bus bar in a distribution panel, but now in the main, however when I was researching it people were saying yes and no to grounds and neutrals in the main service panel and it got confusing. I was wondering what was proper.


It is just the opposite. The two are bonded in the service disconnect cabinet and they are separated in the remote distribution cabinets.


Ah. Well good thing I’m touching up on it. Having it backwards isn’t good. Thanks for the video resource as well.


Also, make sure that the bonding screw or bonding strap is properly installed on a service panel. The bonding strap for an Eaton is located here.


Excellent video…so good that I am going to watch it a few more times.


Thanks @lkage for sharing this, it was good to watch for a refresh on the subject. :+1:
Clear explanation for all.

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