As far as first impressions go, business cards are crucial in your success. What makes a card translate into a sale? Your card needs to communicate the most important information as clearly and quickly as possible. For this business card we designed for HICO Home Inspection CO, we added a list of services offered, personal company tagline, service area, all relevant contact info, logo, name, and CPI descriptor in a beautiful and seamless way. The information is legible and hierarchical upon a creative and eye-catching design backdrop. This is a great example of what InterNACHI’s marketing team can design for you for FREE!
This member saved $531.25 by taking advantage of our free design and editing services.
- Logo Design: 4.25 hrs @ $85/hr = $361.25
- Business Card Design: 2 hrs @ $85/hr = $170.00
- Total: $531.25
- InterNACHI Discount: -$531.25
- Cost to member: $0.00 ( members only pay for printing )
Logo and marketing design services are a free InterNACHI membership benefit. Email to get started!