I’m in the process of getting information about starting a New East Central InterNachi Chapter here in Palm Coast, Florida. Palm Coast is right in the middle between St. Augustine and Daytona Beach, Florida right off I-95.
Nick has offered his help in the formation of this chapter, “Thanks Nick”. Also, Zoe from “West Central InterNachi” has offered her help in getting the chapter up and running, “Thank You” Zoe
Hector Perez from H.P. Certified Inspections, Palm Coast has offered his help.
Any inspectors interested in being a member please e-mail me with your interests. E-mail me at: FlaglerHomeInsp@bellsouth.net Please put “NEW CHAPTER” in the subject line.
This will be a good opportunity to meet fellow inspectors on this side of the state. I have alot of good ideas to get our chapter going. Please give me yours.
Meeting Date: Saturday September 18th at 9:00 a.m. Location to be announced, so please follow this posting. So mark you calenders with this date. Lunch will be available if you wish. Let me know so I can make arrangements. Spouses are “Welcomed”
This meeting is open to all.
Please e-mail me if you are interested.
Steve Guardino, CMI
Flagler Home Inspections
Way to go…
Everyone within 5 counties of Palm Coast should take advantage of this opportunity. Even if you can only attend a couple of meetings a year - you will be very pleased with what you gain…
(Steve Dobson, FL Home Inspector #HI 351)
I’m once again posting this in order to see how many inspectors are interested in forming this chapter. I need to know so I can find a place to have the first meeting.
I have it scheduled for September 18th a Saturday at 9:00 a.m… If that’s a problem for some and you’d rather we have this on a weekday please let me know.
I will do all the planning, but please let me know if your interested. This will be our chapter and all input is appreciated.
Reply here on this board and I’ll copy your infomation. Or send me an e-mail at FlaglerHomeInsp@bellsouth.net
Once I get a head count I will be in touch either by land line or an e-mail.