Hi everyone,
Maybe an introduction will speed up the question here.
I am a Home Inspector in training, I am currently studying for the home inspection course through Carson Dunlop/Seneca. I have taken 5 exams so far, 1 I failed, I am resitting that course immediately this term. 1 course I got below the required for OAHI grade and the rest were fine. I am sitting another two on top of the one I failed this term so will be at 7 of ten by the end of this term hopefully (fingers crossed for all passes).
Anyway, I want to ask a few questions as to how I would approach getting employment within the Home Inspection field. Should I complete all the courses first before I approach a company? Would I be better to pass all the courses first? To OAHI standards? If there is more you think I should do before I try to gain employment what would that be?
I have no construction background, although I am also studying an Architectural program that seems to sap the life out of me ( I got stuck on Heavy construction blueprint reading)
All discussion on this is so welcome, I know I have a long time to go before I even finish the college courses, but I am thinking ahead. I have been reading the OAHI site seeing where I should go from the courses, and see a number of things that I need to do there too.
Thanks for any suggestions.