Hello fellow group members.
My name is Ed Maxwell and I am a software developer.
The founder of Nachi (Nick Gromicko) posted the newest software we developed called Scheduling Pro. The link to the forum is
You may want to check this software out. It is really neat,
This software is all web based so you can do all your scheduling
right from home or any computer connected to the internet. You can even send Job information via text message or pagers with a click of a link.
I am also really good at marketing in many ways.
So if you want to market your services I am the man for you.
We specialize with advertising on Craigslist and Email Marketing.
Email Marketing is the future of online marketing. We have many leads lists to choose from. Why spend thousands in marketing when you can do an e-mail campaign for just about nothing!
We can design a very attractive HTML Email and send it out to millions of people.
One of our most popular lists is the 1.3 Million Realtors.
This list comes with First Name, Last Name, City, State, County and Email address.
We offer many services that can save your company time and money. From Quick book integration from your current database, Web Design, Custom Database software and much more.
You can contact me at Emaxwell@integrationemail.com for
more information.
Thanks and happy voting !!
Ed Maxwell