New Wealth Boom?

Well Well Well hand out the Anti depression pills . Boys

How did that work with the last two republican presidents?

How does that even happen when by 2016 Texas will most likely be blue? :smiley:

Government over-spending only harms the poor and middle class as it devalues the purchasing power of their money through printing to cover the deficit. The wealthy don’t have their wealth in dollars, they have it in assets, and don’t care how many paper dollars their assets are worth this week. The poor don’t understand finance and so keep voting in big spenders to their own detriment. That’s why the poor keep getting poorer and the rich keep getting richer. If the poor understood this, they’d vote for Ron Paul and stop the Federal Reserve from taxing the poor through currency debasement. Printing doesn’t debase hard assets, it makes them worth more in number of paper dollars.

Really? LOL.

Business really doesn’t care if there’s an R or a D in front of a politicians name. What they do care about is demand for their product or service. If there is a demand & a business doesn’t spend the money to expand, hire, train etc. to meet that demand, someone else will.

We are on the verge of an economic boom, and it’s going to happen regardless of who is occupying the WH.

Tripled my best January ever last month.:slight_smile:

Negative Nancy.

Same here, at least tripled. :sunglasses:

You boys confuse personal situations with the reality of a crap economy, massive unemployment, lack of recovery type job creation, market pumping via dollar devaluation, unsustainable government spending and companies across the country holding back because of so much uncertainty going forward,

Wake up, the world is bigger than your personal achievements.

I agree with Nathan on this one. But I’d add that it is a bad time to be an employee. Finding a “great job” is not as simple as it used to be. It’s easier to make a great company for yourself than to find a great job.

In that case “Mr big picture” you should be happy about Obama care and not focused on your personal tax experience.

Personal experience is whats real unlike the (the Faux News)

Obama care is horrible, but not because of its effect on the economy. It’s horrible because it sets a precedent of permitting the federal government to mandate that we purchase a product from a private company.

Mr. Clueless, y love in failed state. Your opinion is not founded on realty.

For the foreseeable future I’m looking forward to a continuation of all thing which are and some which may never be, good luck to all of us on our journey even though we all know already how it ends.