Originally Posted By: dsunday This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
An article in this Sunday’s Journal News “Lawyers wary of state law” describes the advice New York lawyers are giving their clients. In some cases clients are being advised NOT to fill out NYS real estate disclosure form, and pay the $500 fine for their crime. The lawyers believe they are better off than risk the potential for law suits for filling out the wrong information. I guess the theory is “better left unsaid”. I was often told that you were better off not shoveling an icy walk than to do a crumby job.
It will be interesting to see if law is refined and or changed. This is the kind of thing that happens when government sticks its nose where it doesn't belong.
Originally Posted By: Robert Patterson This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
So much for ethical conduct. Doesn’t a lawyers code require them to uphold the law and not advise their clients to violate the law? Of course that’s in NY, didn’t somebody once tell me that the “goodfellas” buried somebody there? Musta been the last honest lawyer