newbie fuse panel question


When inspecting a service panel with fuses for the main disconnect,
how do you proceed? Can you assume the fuses are appropriate after
noting the ratings on the meter/panel? Is it normal to shut off the power to verify the proper fuses? Obviously, assuming is no good, but…

Just setting out and this one has been nagging at me.


Tim take one of the NACHI Electrical courses.
Meanwhile , never shutoff the power to Inspect.

Check the conductor sizes,labeling,ground,neutral,and bond.
What are the conductors made out of?
None the less you may need to study up some more.

For now just note main amp,take a picture or series and upload here for help.

Here is something I got off one of the Members.
Apology for not noting whom.

for inspecting an electrical panel

Follow InterNACHI Standards of Practice
Wear personal safety protection, including glasses and gloves
Check adequate workspace
Panel must be readily accessible
Use proper inspection tools, including magnet handle, insulated screwdriver, and flashlight
Check adequate illumination at workspace
Measure height of main disconnect
Inspect cabinet front cover
Check for incorrect type of screws or missing screws at the cabinet front cover
Inspect panelboard
All disconnects must have specific identification
Check for inspection stickers and dates
Check for identified filler plates
Identify main overcurrent device
Determine size of service
Safe removal of cabinet front cover
No foreign objects or contamination inside cabinet
Check entrance conductors and lugs
Identification of grounded conductor
Check clamps, connectors, and bushings
No open knockouts permitted
Check for disconnected or loose conductors
Inspect main bonding jumper
Inspect main grounding electrode conductor (GEC)
Check for doubled neutrals
Check for doubled hot conductors
Identify any breakers that are not permitted by manufacturer
No white wires on breakers
Test GFCIs and AFCIs
No doorbell transformers inside cabinet
Check for loose equipment grounding conductor (EGC)
Check for ampacity or overfusing defects
No melted conductor insulation
No rust, corrosion, or water inside cabinet
No gaps between cabinet and wallboard greater than 1/8 inch
Check multiple cables in connectors
Check for damage to wires
Check for damage to insulation sheathing
Inspect for exposed live wires
Check identified handle ties
Read the label on the cabinet front cover
Identify product name and type of cabinet from label
Confirm amps and volts are identified on label
Inspect the panelboard diagram
Count maximum number of poles from the diagram
Confirm location of main bonding jumper
Identify twin or ½ breakers
In subpanel, confirm the grounds and neutrals are isolated or floating
Never leave exposed panelboard unattended
Replace cabinet cover correctly

Thanks, Robert. I’ve taken the electrical course, etc. Just wasn’t clear on actual field
SOP where hidden fuses were concerned.

That’s a good concise list. I’m printing it.


Make a good template on your software.