Amp rating for panel? etc

Hello, I’m trying to figure out a couple things. The first, is what is the amp rating for this panel? The panel by the meter had fuses instead of breakers, and they had the number “60” on them. There was also a sub panel with breakers. Does that make this a 60 amp service? (I know, that seems obvious, but I’m just making sure)

And also, the main disconnect would be at the fuses, right? Or am I mistaking anything?

It would be the smaller of the disconnect (60 amp fuses) or rating for the size of the entry conductors.
I think it is safe to say that the amp rating of that sub panel is the least of your things to report.


Funny, I was thinking the same thing…

I noted several defects in the sub panel, but I wanted to make sure on this one. Thank you.

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Tell us about this house, how big, age, all gas/heating oil?

The capacity of the service is based on the wire capacity, not the fuse someone may have put in the panel.

There is a big lever on the side of the box. That is for disconnecting power, no?

I don’t think that other stuff will be apparent when the box it’s in can not be identified.

(b) The home inspector shall describe:

  1. Service amperage and voltage;
  2. Service entry conductor materials;
  3. The service type as being overhead or underground; and
  4. The location of main and distribution panels.

Might be best to stick with the minimum standards till a review of the NACHI electrical courses is conducted.

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Perhaps we should educate/inform people who are obviously asking questions trying to learn, rather than vaguely suggest a host of unidentified issues.

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So then what is the service amp rating at this home?

Neither the disconnect size or the panel rating identify the amperage of the service. Hope that helps. I never report on service amperage. I will report on the size of the main disconnect and occasionally (though not required) the max rating of the panel if labeled.


But as you see in the TN HI Rule, service amperage and voltage shall be described…

As if we are code inspectors.

Suggesting those vague issues is education. If someone doesn’t know how to determine amperage, it’s a good possability they know nothing about what is in that rat nest.
Perhaps people should look stuff up? Or go back and take a NACHI course on the subject. They may learn more than they are asking.


Damnit, of course you’re right. I need a disclaimer. “Rules may vary depending on your state” :+1: