There are many more than you know of. If you would listen and do something proactive then the long term value of the CMI designation would mean something great for years to come. Without action, (more than you are doing now) The CMI logo and designation will mean nothing more than calling yourself a certified expert inspector.
Nick, I am not trying to argue with you here. Myself and basically ll CMI’s take pride in the designation, many like me use it as a major marketing tool as well. All we are looking for is to preserve its credibility and make it known as something good and above the rest. Why do you insist on letting it get used by any thief out there and allowing the CMI designation to be Harmed and become a useless designation ?
Does the State of Virginia require Virginia State Certification for persons using the title and/or wording of “Certified Home Inspector” and/or “Certified Home Inspection”, in part or in any descriptive string, in any of their advertisement? Was that to prevent consumer confusion of the use of these two designations?
It was because Virginia originally had voluntary certification administered by the state. They didn’t issue licenses or even require home inspectors to get licensed, so they used the word “certified.”
I’m down to only a few infringement issues. If out of the 20,000+ inspectors in our industry, I succeed in resolving those last few infringement cases and end up with zero cases of infringement… what will I sound like?
Certified Master Inspector from Technihouse Inspections – qualified to assess the … anytime, even years after you’ve moved into your home or commercial building. … Check out my interview, How to Prepare for a Home Inspection on Michigan …
Laughable at best. Remember I contacted you over **Kevin Falconer, **A INachi member in my area, who is using a company name very close to mine, claims he is a licensed builder in the state of MI, which he is not and has been in business for 15 years, which he hasn’t been. Who has caused my company to battle phone calls over his s hitty work. Remember you told me to send him a cease and desist and that you talked to him and he was going to change his company name. All Bull ****…so when are you going to do something about Mr. Falconer?
So far, all I got was a link to another iNACHI forum page with no exact details or proof. Send exact proof and details of one person at a time, not a page of forum post… please. Send via email is best.
John I sent you a link to the thread where the Internet she member first made the complaint about someone using the CMI logo who is not a CMI. Then you asked for more specifics I then sent you a link to the infringer 'heirs website where you can clearly see his name and how are CMI logo… he is not on the CM my site he is not a C on my hand I even called him on the phone and pretended I was a potential client for him he had no idea what a CM I even was he is clearly a CMI infringer and thief!!!
Recently every time I send an email to Nick about an infrigment it gets ignored or his memory gets foggy. I am done with sending emails on this matter until at least the Paramount Home Inspection in central Missouri infrigment is handled, as he said he would years ago. Three different inspectors emailed him about this. One is leaving NACHI because of the way another infrigment was not properly handled by Nick.
Nick your numbers are completely wrong as usual. This is a much larger problem than you are admitting even though I truly bet you do know, you’re just playing your stupid games.
You mention there are only a few infringers that’s because you choose to only deal with a few there are many many more as already mentioned in this post as well as cons of others.
Some of us are proud of the CM I designation and would like to see it stay a valuable marketing tool as well as a valuable credential for us to possess.
It appears it is you that is trying to destroy its credibility is there a reason for this?
Why don’t you stand up and take the proper action stop giving us the garbage you think that we believe what we all know it’s a bunch of BS
Perhaps a pointed letter of inquiry to the USPTO will light a flame under someone’s a-s-s to do the right thing! But, alas, it is not my fight. Just another topic on the ever growing list of why I will never consider purchasing the cmi logo. I am sure many others share my opinion. Pity.
then please explain in detail what is your goal? it appears that right now you are disregarding and dismissing the Golding concerns of all CMI is inspectors themselves which is a bad thing so please once again explain in detail specifically what is your goal other than to harm all CMI’s and the CMI designation
Our goal is to maintain a system of dealing with infringement cases that, over time, reduces the number of those who infringe at all, down to a small handful. I’d say we achieved that goal.
Conversely, Cease and Desist letters may compel those who infringe to stop, but over time, increase the number of those who begin infringing to begin with by sending the overall message that there is no risk of suffering any consequences (other than receiving a letter in the mail) for infringing.