Do you believe? Because I do not think you do or you would not have said this. For it did not come from a place of love, fellowship or testimony. But rather condemnation or judgement.
If you are a believer, then speak to me like you are.
Do you believe? Because I do not think you do or you would not have said this. For it did not come from a place of love, fellowship or testimony. But rather condemnation or judgement.
If you are a believer, then speak to me like you are.
Have no fear good Republican Wall Street money is now behind Harris’s campaign, if you aren’t mailing in your ballot for Harris you might want to save the stamp.
Your drivel is getting weaker, Frank.
The Rolling Stone source material for the article (open letter by 16 Nobel Peace Prize winners)
However, I found the ‘Open letter to reassure China’
Useless opinions by a group of university professors who won an International Nobel DEI prize along with a bunch of other useless idiots who have never contributed anything more to the world or the economy than their opinions.
Imagine a world where the economy is booming then the government shut-it all down. Allowed only the large corporate benefactors to operate in the abbreviated market. Transferred trillions of dollars from the common wealth to the top corporations. Allowed the corporate benefactors to pay all their debt with inflated dollars.
Then come out with a ‘Rescue Plan’ as if we should thank them. Meanwhile, these Nobel Peace Prize idiots issue a letter of unity with China.
I think the right is far more fearful of actual American citizens banding together and eliminating MAGA once and for all in the voting booth than they are from non-citizen voters, and rightly so.
Tim Sheehy, the Republican Senate nominee in Montana whose race could flip the balance of the Senate, was recorded last year making comments about Native Americans that perpetuated racist stereotypes, according to several reports.
Effin’ racists are everywhere! America sucks if you believe your own press.
Those with a brain know how flawed this type of propaganda is.
The racial equality ranking for countries was developed using the racial equity score
Nearly every historically conscious person is able to trace at least some aspects of contemporary conservatism to their roots in early America. Present-day Republican hostility to the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act has a straightforward genealogy: back to Nixon’s “Southern strategy,” then to the Southern agrarians of the 1930s, to the post-Civil War Lost Cause movement, then the 1861-1865 secession itself and finally back to John C. Calhoun and his own ideological predecessor, John Randolph of Roanoke, who still receives sympathetic treatment from the conservative propaganda mill.
From Randolph’s dyspeptic political rants to the agrarians’ nostalgia-drenched manifestos, all the reflexes of the present-day American reactionary are prefigured: hatred of industry, cities, public education and internal improvements (the old term for infrastructure); distrust of cosmopolitanism, sophistication and the new; a worship of “tradition” that amounted to stultification; an equation of democratic principles with mob rule. Above all, a fundamental distaste for human equality, especially racial equality, but including political and social distinctions of gender and class.
Conservatives love equality. The left does not. They prefer equal outcomes, which require disposing of meritocracy, nurturing victimization, and, ultimately, racism and bigotry.
Mob rule is a leftist construct, which is why the Democrats want to abolish the Electoral College and elect based on the national majority.
The right does not have a fundamental distaste for human equality regarding political and social distinctions of gender and class. See number 1 above.
It is a lie, and they have to go back 50 years even to begin to justify the absurd statement.
Do yourself a favor and break out of your echo chamber and stop posting the same Salon, Atlantic, NY times propaganda BS.
Nothing to see here. Move along. They say this was the most secure election in history.
However, numerous actions, events, and revelations point to misconduct or mismanagement. So much so that significant overhauls to laws, procedures, personnel and equipment have been underway for the last 4 years.
The Georgia Election Board voted Tuesday to reprimand Fulton County and appoint an independent monitor for the 2024 election for violating state law Georgia…
Secretary of State investigators said they are unable to determine how many of the invalid ballots were included in the results used to certify the 2020 election.
They released this joint statement seven days after the election. The fact is, they had no idea if it was true; it was propaganda. Case in point: This bolded portion of the statement was blatantly false.
There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.
As often is the case. If the falsity is shouted loud enough and repeated long enough, it is true.
Court rulings have been used to bludgeon Trump’s reputation. Therefore, the left should have no trouble accepting this fact- the phone call did not violate any law. Try to keep up. It is important. No one wants the spread of misinformation, eh?
The order from Judge Scott McAfee dismissed six counts related to a specific charge: Solicitation of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer. That charge specifically relates to Trump’s Jan. 2, 2021, phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, which in part sparked the probe.
Correction, it is believed by some to be true.
It amazes me that some people still think it was a “coincidence” that 6 major swing states across the nation all magically stopped counting at the same time Nov3 2019 and then miraculously all 6 states made a gigantic turn around from Trump to 0biden at about 3am Nov4. LOL Sad really.
The FACT still remains, 2020 was rigged like so many other selections.