Old manufactured home

This home was listed as single family residence. Many signs that it is a modified manufactured home. I mentioned verbally that it had the appearance of a manufactured type home and the listing agent flipped. Metal frame and underbelly fabric. Looks like converted attic where new AC system is now installed.

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Do you have any pictures? Or if you have the address we can view the listing pictures.

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address was 1805 griffin road in macon ga

Do you have a picture in the attic of where the rafters meet? If this is a manufactured home it would have been built and shipped in 2 pieces and that is usually most evident in the attic.

Also, a manufactured home will have some HUD tags. Do you have any pictures of those?

Jerry, it appears to be a site built prefab with metal joist and rafters (in other words a “kit” build). The Bibb County taxes records does not mention it as a manufactured home.


I’m on board with Tom. This looks site-built to me. If you cannot find any HUD tags I would go with that.


And Jerry, you are technically correct in saying it is a type of “manufactured” home. The framing components were manufactured off site, but assembled on site.

Permit #: 199900424
Permit type preferred: Gen Contractors

Work class: New
Permit class: Residential
Job Cost: $ 17,000.00 Status date: Jan 27, 1999


American Southern Builder


A good example why it’s better not to say anything unless you are 100% sure. There’s no telling what type of reaction you may get from the client and/or agent.


Can you tell me how to get that information Marc?


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Cold formed steel typically used in commercial construction. Not a manufactured home. My guess is a commercial contractor built it.

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Jerry - I can’t blame you for questioning it. I would’ve been considering it as soon as I pulled up and saw this house, although it appears to have a lot more attic than the usual manufactured would have.
Looks like a…shall we say… “affordably” built kit home. If it was manufactured, I don’t think this one would’ve handled the trip from the factory, or even have been approved to ‘leave’ the factory.
IMHO: Going forward - probably best to not mention “manufactured” until it’s confirmed. That may stigmatize the house and cause you a bit of trouble. With that said…also not good to confirm a manufactured home, and NOT mention it on your report. That’s even more trouble.
Note: I inspected a 3000+sf home on a finished basement, and I had no idea that it was a modular home until the neighbor mentioned it in conversation. The manufacturers have really gotten good at this stuff.