Question: Inspected a rural property, the home had three weatherheads one for each panel… Why wouldnt one be sufficient?
They most likely added two over the years.
This is typically a POCO issue. Many POCO’s discourage more than one riser, but there is nothing against it in the NEC.
Was each panel supplied by a separate service? If so, that would not generally be allowed (NEC 230.2).
If you’re talking about remote panels being supplied by the service equipment, there’s really nothing prohibiting this.
Can you give any additional information? Were these for separate buildings, the same building, “open-air” conductors. . .?
Jeff. There was two panels for the house and one for an exterior steel building… This house has other several issues going like, no bond, no ground system, Zinsco stab lock and so on. Im trying to get a grasp on why three drops, why not consildate?
More than one service drop is not allowed. . .
230.2 Number of Services. A building or other structure served shall be supplied by only one service unless permitted in 230.2(A) through (D).
Multiple service *risers *and multiple meters is not more than one service. That section of the code is referring to more than one services TO a building.
I take this to mean multiple services.
There are exceptions to the code, but most single family residential dwellings don’t qualify for the exception(s).
From the original description I think he is mis-naming the service risers as drops.
It wouldn’t be the first time an HI used the wrong terms to describe electrical system components . We are certainly not experts by any means. . .
What say you Tim? Are you referring to “drops” or “risers”? “Drop” being the conductors from the utility pole to the building(s), and “riser” being the mast and weatherhead.
I have been guilty of using the wrong terminology in the past… Who hasn’t?
But this time I am correct… This house is in BFE and I doubt PG&E has been out there in the last fifty years… LOL
So is it three overhead drops from the pole or three risers ON the house?
Three drops from the pole, Its a mess…
Anyone know what this device spliced into the service entrance conductors is? I am asking mainly out of curiosity.
A farm?
Maybe NEC 90.(B)(5).