Panel Main Breaker Screwed in?

Curious about comments on this photo

It is a back feed breaker, that is currently not being used. The screw is to prevent it from being mistakenly removed when it is in operation.

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Yup a back-fed breaker requires something other than pressure to hold it in place. Looks like its fed by the two insulated bus bars to the left.


That’s what I was going to ask. I am not familiar with this type of panel, but was wondering about these bars.

Yes the arrows are pointing to the bus feeding the CB. A wider angle photo might show this more clearly. Looks like a Zinsco or Sylvania.

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Robert, if the breaker will not be energized after removing from the bus, is it still required to have a hold down? This is a unique set up compared to what I normally see.

cool, thx, wasn’t aware

I’ll preface this by saying that without some additional photo’s I’m guessing but it appears that the two bus bars on the left are back feeding the CB. Without the screw it would be possible for the breaker to be pulled off of the bus on the right and still be energized.