Can anyone tell me what the exact requirements are for a pedestrian garage door? Is self-closing still required? I know the fire rated portion. Thanks for any feedback:)
Everything you ever wanted to know on the subject…
Solid wood or metal clad with threshold and weather-stripping, closer not required in free standing single family dwellings. Multi-family buildings required to be fire rated WITH closer. Rating on door is equal to the assembly, many times minimum 1 hour.
Safe practices require (In my opinion) that the door from the garage to the house be self closing of one type or another (Automatic or spring hinge type). Not only to provide the designed fire assembly but also to prevent the possibility of carbon monoxide intrusion.
Marvin - yours can only be a suggestion or recommendation. Not required is the code. Oops. Do we report to code?
It is code In Canada but even if it was not code to me it is a safety item and I would always recommend a closer be installed immediately.