Personal best water temp

So I’ve been inspecting in 2023. I always measure the water temp at the sink since it usually doesn’t have a mixing valve or scald prevention/whatever like a shower does.

Now I know all you vets will scoff with my rookie numbers but for me on a HI, this one is hot. It probably peeks a few degrees higher than this I want to say I saw 148, but I was just taking pics.

Commercially, I saw this all the time and more at 180 degrees, but it was on equipment designed specifically for cleaning certain solvents and screens and it required special aprons, face shields, elbow length gloves and such.

This pic is for granny at the sink. Yeouch.

My thermometer is a commercial grade traceable. It’s rated as accurate to 1 degree C and in reality, it’s accurate to about .1 degree.


Certainly a safety hazard. Not sure of the year of the home or if it had one not properly adjusted but Temperature-actuated mixing valves have required in Florida since 2014 FBC. It’s a detail that many builders around here like to save money by not installing one at the water heater.


Maybe that’s just your county? I have never once seen a mixing valve at a water heater, and I do new home inspections every week

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Not at all, Mark.

Definitely a safety hazard to me, too. :+1:

Make granny happy!


I think my highest was actually last week, at 159, which can burn your skin in 1 second.

I also had a brand new home this week that was 148.

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**note: turn down to prevent scalding


No that is Florida Building Code since 2014 (anything permitted after Dec. 31 2014) which is the bare minimum for all of Florida.

It’s still in the new 2023 version too…

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I think 142 was my record to date.

I rarely see above 125, most are in 115 to 121 or so.

I saw the steam coming off this one and was quite surprised!

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146.3°F is certainly very hot. That’s enough to cause some damage pretty fast.

My personal record was set last month at a fancy rental cabin.
you could pour water over a tea bag and have hot teat in seconds. Instant hot, no waiting. Scalding.


This little guy was under the sink. It was only at 60% of its temp capability.


Wow!..That IS HOT!

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I’ve installed those in all my houses and for friends too. The difference is they are on the secondary spout, not the main one!

Yes, the main spout was not as hot. This is for making tea and coffee without waiting for water to boil.

Curious, does it specifically say somewhere that they must be installed? The code you posted doesn’t seem to say they are required, only that they must meet certain requirements when installed?

P2724.1Temperature-actuated mixing valves.

Temperature-actuated mixing valves, which are installed to reduce water temperatures to defined limits, shall comply with ASSE 1017. Such valves shall be installed at the hot water source.

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This was from the tap and NOT from an instant hot water dispenser.


:hot_face: :volcano:

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Good catch!


There have been a few times I come across water heaters that are like that. Have you ever called them out as possible bad thermostats?

Right here Ryan. :grinning: In 2010 they did not include that language.