The pictures here were sent to me by a friend. His neighbor did the repairs in order to sell the house.

The pictures here were sent to me by a friend. His neighbor did the repairs in order to sell the house.
Funny… but raises a question to ponder. Just for conversational purposes (I know my answer for the following question), what say you?
Where no handrail or guardrail is required, do you still comment when it has been poorly or improperly installed? If so, what would your comment be?
Now that it is there, it would behoove the inspector to comment. Someone sees it there and expects it to work. IMHO
I’ll leave the other question for the OP.
I’d comment on it…
Why ? Because people will rely on it and fall.
I can see how someone could miss the uneven risers but that handrail…The sad thing is we home inspectors have to comment on stuff like this. I wish there was a one word narrative to describe something so utterly ridiculous that only an imbecile would ignore it. Would save a lot of time writing reports…
How about "clusterf**k?
I think Roy has the right term, I am adding it to my glossary!
My policy is…
(Whether a component is required by ‘code’ or not)… If it is present, it is inspected and reported on as if it was required.
In the case of the photo shown, the rails may not be required by code, but easily is for safety, IMO. Consider a small child, elderly, handicapped person (no wheelchair), or just your typical Saturday nite drunk!
Now the upside (?) to the photo… The home now has the rails, they just need work. Seller is not required to ‘fix’ anything. They are there, he is off the hook!
As is mine…
My comment would have to read something liiiiiike…
“Hazardous sculpture observed at porch/entry. Recommend removal or installation of handrail/guardrail to protect the observers from injury.”
The sad irony is that it is probably an impediment to selling the home. As the buyer I’d demand it be removed. Just another eyesore! (Unsafe for the elderly who might actually need those rails; probably won’t support their own weight)
I just had a knee replacement, and if I was the buyer, I sure the hell would expect the Inspector at hand to write that up as a warning for me if I buy it.
It is there, you inspect it and comment accordingly, especially if safety is involved.
That whole assembly is a hazard, not just the railings.
I agree with Ray and Marcel, and in fact all comments.
You need to report the Hazardous (ridiculous / scary is probably the best description) structure, as well as the non-compliant steps and ramp. I would also refer to the obvious lack of maintenance, as the seen deficiencies would, in all likelihood apply to the rest of the house.
I had a similar case last week in an Hotel / Lodge where the ramp - for wheelchairs / disabled led up to a step - sheer genius!!
I would be happy about getting a new neighbor!
Suspect amateur construction noted around entry stairs. Further evaluation by a certifed Carpenter. Safety hazard.
Michael, you almost got it.
“Amateur construction work. noted at exterior stairs. Correction needed by qualified carpenter. It is a safety hazard.” is more direct. Don’t be afraid to tell it like it is.
Great thank you for the feedback.
Someone should smack the neighbor. He certainly did not do any favors.
IMO It’s there so it gets inspected. I’m pretty sure that when you go shaking on this it’ll shake apart.
Many thanks for sharing this very diverse opinion post where each expert has no doubt shared his best picture on the topic. Have a great day