Doing an inspection, can’t find clear direction- this doesn’t look right- the electric wire , copper water lines and ABS waste line enter to a chase created between joists- is this allowed? I’ve seen where might be an issue with the electric wire , regarding insulating jacket/smoking, and also of course sharp tin, can’t find anything about the plumbing lines- it’s a return chase.
Pinching the cable like that can obviously eat into the insulation and cause a short. Furthermore, there are special rules that apply to running wire inside a joist space used as a plenum.
The NEC does not permit NM cable to be run within a space that is being used for environmental air. There is an exception when the cable runs perpendicular to the joist or stud space.
300.22(c) Other Spaces Used for Environmental Air (Plenums). This section shall apply to spaces not specifically fabricated for environmental air-handling purposes but used for air-handling
purposes as a plenum. This section shall not apply to habitable rooms or areas of buildings, the prime purpose of which is not air handling.
Informational Note No. 1: The space over a hung ceiling used for environmental air-handling purposes is an example of the type of other space to which this section applies.
Informational Note No. 2: The phrase “Other Spaces Used for Environmental Air (Plenum)” as used in this section correlates with the use of the term “plenum” in NFPA 90A-2015, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, and other mechanical codes where the plenum is used for return air purposes, as well as some other air-handling spaces. Exception: This section shall not apply to the joist or stud spaces of dwelling units where the wiring passes through such spaces perpendicular to the long dimension of such spaces.
Thank you- not knowing if the cable runs parallel or perpendicular with the joist as it is hidden by the sheet metal -not sure if I should call out anything then- perhaps passing under sharp metal?