- Is there a code against this?
Hi Bill, yes there is.
There used to be an exception for return air chases between joists but I believe that has now gone as well.
[Correction] Bill here’s the code (2008):
NEC 300.22 **Type NM cable shall not be installed in spaces specifically fabricated for
environmental air, but may pass perpendicular through joist or stud spaces used as such.
I write it up just because it not a good idea to have wires running in duct work do to fires and melting wire , another problem is the drastic changes of temperature will effect the insulation of the wires, Seeing we are not code keeper but observers I would write up needs review of qualified license contractor CYA. It also depends on local codes
Thanks Gerry.
I forgot to mention the vibration wearing through the insulation
I see conduit, not NM cable. If it is an actual conduit run there is no issue.
The fire issue is moot because fires happen everywhere, not just in ducts.
I would almost bet that conduit is not run through
Could be. That is why I wrote “If it is…”.
Good catch Pete, I missed that
To tell the truth i did too but i had a quick recover lol
I just feel it is not a good practice