Is it okay to have the pipes behind the wall for a bathroom sink if the shut off is in another room?
hard to tell anything much from that picture…
I can deduct the homeowner has hemorrhoids but not much else.
I would recommend the secondary shut-off valves for the fixture be in the same room (if I understand you correctly). But, we have no idea what the pipe in the photo is serving.
If the sink shutoff valves are easily accessible on a opposite wall, I would note it as such. I have yet to see anything that requires them to be located in the same cabinet. Thinking it’s more of a convenience/ maintenance issue more than Code, but then again, I’ve never come across it.
It’s just a photo showing there’s no shut offs or pipes under the sink. The shut off is located in the garage.
It’s a bathroom sink and that’s underneath it. All pipes are within the wall and the only shut off for it is in the garage.
I should also note that this is for a four point so I’m really wondering if it should be considered unsatisfactory or satisfactory.
As long as there are separate sink supply shut off valves, take a pic of them & it’s 4 Point OK.
Martin, does that indicate that the “at the fixture” be directed in a certain position? Can it be located “at the fixture” as long as it’s readily accessible? I’m just picturing the shut off valves being flipped from the OP pics, and accessible from the opposite wall.
With a label at the pipes under the sink indicating the valve location it would be fine.
Thomas according to the code if those valves were located on the other side of the wall it would be considered acceptable. That location may be the manifold. They can be located at the manifold if they’re labeled.
It’s not something I would worry about in a home inspection I would just note that the shut off valves are on the other side of the wall.
The key take away is the code reads “when installed”.
Thank you again!
I have noticed whenever a shut-off for a hose bib is under a sink, garage or crawl…it is labeled. Seems like good building practice.
And he keeps his toothbrush next to the ointment… Yikes!!