Pointed vs flat screws

Not counting stupidity does NEC specifically forbid pointed screws in the panelbox cover? If so where?

The panelbox comes with the manufacturer’s screws which have no points…for a reason. To replace them with any other non-manufacturer’s screw could be considered a fault (not OEM) …especially if they’re wood screws!!

The NEC is silent on the issue unless you try to argue that it falls under the listing and test requiments of 110.3(B). IMO common sense should be a consideration. If an obsolete cabinet/panel cover is missing it’s screws should we be required to replace the entire panel because the screws originally provided by the manufacturer are gone? A 3" drywall screw would not be a good replacement but maybe a 3/4" machine screw would be.

Notice the arch flash and the wire nut, and they still put the sharp screws back in. This gets called out every time. This is also way I used my ticker, voltage sniffer, before touching a panel.