So I was messing around with my FLIR One camera today at an inspection and I thought I’d take a picture of the electrical panel and this is what I got.
To the extent possible under law, Chuck Evans has waived all copyright and related or neighboring
rights to the Hot electrical feeder image. This work is published from: United States.
Is this a problem? Should I write this up in my report and what should I say? Should I tell them to tighten up the terminal lug? I had my client with me and he was lookin over my shoulder and I wasn’t exactly sure what to say about it. I couldn’t find the option to measure the voltage in my camera but when I put my hand on it, it felt pretty hot
How long did the instructions say to hold your hand on it? Did you grasp firmly, as you’re supposed to? I think the Spot Size Ratio between your thumb and finger is dictated by the wire size, check your NETA scale, I’m sure they provide reference in in the phone instructions.
Yes, there are three problems.
Hope you like constructive criticism.
A good example for training and experience neither of which are exhibited here.
Did you include this “lack of service” in your inspection agreement? How do you charge for “messing around”? “Mr. Buyer, I need to tack on some money on this service, oh I don’t know, you guess, just like I was.”
Another way to degrade the value and service of the inspection and infrared industries. There are a couple of HI’s who aren’t CIT’s in my area that realtors have told me about which is why I am all over this, for your benefit.
Was there anything possibly near this conductor which could cause heat at the bend, like a flue vent or other because the rest of the cable looks uniform color.
I can take a little criticism, but go easy on me. Like everybody else I’m tryin to lean but I’m still not sure what the three problems that you mentioned are??? I didn’t notice any heater ducts that were pointed right at that wire. Both the cables had black insulation and were uniform in color, so that would mean they wuld have the same e value right?
Someone else said that they were out of balance and that was kinda what I was thinking. I needed to get the report out and I wasn’t sure exactly what to say, so I told them that they needed to get an alectrician to separate the wires on opposite sides of the panel to balance it and to add grease and tighten up the terminals before it catches on fire.
How would you say it? I’m not sure how to say it technically so it sounds good in my report.
“I told them that they needed to get an alectrician to separate the wires on opposite sides of the panel to balance it and to add grease and tighten up the terminals before it catches on fire.”