Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
James, thanks, but I have actually been back. Spent last week at the NAR conference in DC, then went to Minneapolis, MN for the MN Chapter meeting. But glad to know that you missed me.
Originally Posted By: psabados This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have seen many fireplace chimney’s over 30 inches wide without a cricket installed, in developments that are anywhere from 3 years old up to and possibly over 40 years old.
Now if this was an approved installation by the local AHJ what is the correct way to report the condition. Obviously it is not a Health and Safety condition, if approved its not a construction defect and doesn't fall into a deferred maintenance condition. Only recommendation that I see would be an upgrade to prevent future water penetration.
Heavy duty flashing with the proper installation of underlayment and perimeter sealants will last a long time.
My thought is that someone, will go out, inspect a dwelling with a chimney, observe that a chimney was installed, a cricket is missing and report the wrong thing. With that being done, the inspector has made an incorrect statement. Now, if the testing is going to be based on new or current building codes how about an opening qualifier to the question.
The test questions should be as accurate and of quality as ones report should be.