Welcome To Questions of the Week!
A member of the Awards Committee will post questions at random.
Members may make one post per question thread to answer the questions, and the member’s winning entry must have all parts of the questions answered completely in that one post.
No editing is allowed and INELIGIBLE members will be disqualified.
First correct answers (as judged by the Awards Committee or Poster of the Questions) wins.
Request your choice by emailing fastreply@internachi.org and submitting your Mailing address for shipping.
Choose your prize from the following list:
** $50.00 gift certificate from Inspector Outlet
** Case of books “Now That You’ve Had A Home Inspection”
1) A ratchet effect on a retaining wall -
a) Is a repair method
b) Is another term for deadmen
c) Is another term for gabion
d) Is another name for tie backs
e) Is a mode of failure
2) All of the following are common retaining wall problems except -
a) The use of shoring
b) Leaning
c) Bowing
d) Rot or insect damage
e) No drainage system
3) All of the following statements about retaining wall drainage are true except one. Identify the false statement.
a) Drainage is important
b) Good draining soils such as clay should be used behind retaining walls.
c) Geotextile fabric between the backfill and native soil is useful.
d) A weeping tile or drainage holes are often recommended.
e) Tied-back walls do not usualy require drain holes.
4) The single biggest enemy of retaining walls is -
a) Rust
b) Water
c) Undersized rebar
d) Inadequate excavation
e) Inadequate tie backs
5) All of the following are types of retaining walls except -
a) Gravity
b) Cantilevered
c) Pile
d) Tied back
e) Cavity