Questions of the week for 8/21/16

Roy’s best friend and the rest of the committee if needed.

But I feel it unnecessary because of this statement in the Introductory.

I am very confident that Paul, the Poster, is more than capable in handling Mr Lewis’s accuracy complaint for Question #2. :slight_smile:


Question and answer from #2

Mike Holt is the source. I would contact Mike and tell him he is giving bad advise.

  1. Where verification marking is requited the electrical vehicle supply equipment shall be clearly field marked that “ventilation is required.”

A. True
B. False

The correct answer is B False

The provisions of Art. 625 cover the installation of conductors and equipment external to an electric vehicle.
As specifically noted in Sec. 625.15©, Where marking is required by 625.52(B), the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be clearly marked by the manufacturer, “Ventilation Required”. The marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible after installation.

Congratulations John!

So, because the extra word “is” was inserted, the answer is False…:roll:

  1. Where verification marking is required the electrical vehicle supply equipment shall be clearly field marked that “ventilation is required.”

A. True
B. False

The correct answer is B False

The provisions of Art. 625 cover the installation of conductors and equipment external to an electric vehicle.
As specifically noted in Sec. 625.15(C), Where marking is required by 625.52(B), the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be clearly marked by the manufacturer, “Ventilation Required”. The marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible after installation.

Oh, marked by the manufacture vs field marked…now I get it…still a trick question.

Yes it is a trick question.
But legitimate. As inspectors were suppose to be looking for details so the devil is in the details.

The details were not “readily accessible” to my gray matter.

I had trouble understanding it and I had the answer.

I just messing with you Brother…:smiley:
No need to do anything…

Are you stirring again? ? ;):mrgreen:

Yes! I love messing with Paul!
He makes me laugh…

A redneck taped toilet paper to his television.
He said, “Hey, lookie here, now we have free paper view!” :stuck_out_tongue:


Hey Paul, can you check how many times I’ve won? I think it’s four, but if it’s six already I’ll stop playing until January. I hope it’s only four, I need some more books :slight_smile:


I’ll PM you after I find out.

Eat me you friggin’ Yankee…
Do you really know what a yankee is?
I’ll give you a hint…
The pull string on a tampon!