Questions Of The Week May 6, 2018

Those are difficult Mark. They need all the help they can get. :mrgreen::wink:

**Fixed… **:twisted:

You automatically get a pass & can say anything you want, being on the committee at one time. . :wink:
Roy is the enforcer-sergeant at arms.

And you wonder why some rarely visit anymore! :twisted:

Congratulations TIM WILLIAMS for winning this weeks QOTW.
Good job!
Follow the directions to obtain your books.
AND a big thank you to all for participating! .:slight_smile:

  1. when a current flows through a resistance, the electrical _______ is converted to _______
    energy heat
    Electronics Club - Power and Energy - watt, joule
2) what is poor and/or does not conduct electricity?
a) honey
b) vinegar
c) tap and/or distilled water 
d) milk 
e) fuels
a  b  e
[CBSE NCERT Notes Class 8 Physics Chemical Effects of Electric Current](
  1. VOLTAGE cannot exist without CURRENT ~ true or false
    CURRENT cannot exist without VOLTAGE ~ true or false
    false true
    Electronics Club - Voltage and Current
4) wiring for wet locations MUST use THWN only, but wiring allowed for damp locations can only use THHN 
**Answer provided by Paul Abernathy**

Greetings Marc,
Here is what the NEC says on the subject.
"310.10(B)  Dry and Damp Locations.  Insulated conductors and cables used in dry  and damp locations shall be  Types FEP, FEPB, MTW, PFA, RHH, RHW, RHW-2,  SA, THHN, THW, THW-2, THHW,  THWN, THWN-2, TW, XHH, XHHW, XHHW-2, Z, or  ZW."
And per 310.104 as well.
THHN is indeed ok in a dry and damp location, in a raceway of course.
Best Regards,
**Paul W Abernathy, CMI, CMECP, MEng **
**Chairman-CMECP Program**
**Electrical Code Academy, Inc.**

extra credit
who sang this in 1961
the moon is bright and I’m half tight my life is just beginning
Jimmy Dean

Congrats Tim!

Thank you Marc and Paul for always picking our brains!

Thank and / or cuss you Marc for your tough questions. Congrats Tim!

I could say something, but I won’t…:smiley:

You are certainly welcome Steve.
Perhaps next time you will win if you can read plain English.

Listen and learn with Paul. :smiley:
Join Founder and CEO of Electrical Code Academy, Inc. conducts a typical electrical panel inspection

Bring it on, Meathead! :twisted:

Yes, I realize and appreciate the effort you take in presenting these questions, and yes I enjoy learning from them whether or not I “win”.

And I realize and accept the final answer as determined by the AHJ (in this case, you).

But I are really bigly good when ya talkin’ bout plane Anglish.


Hugs and / or kisses…

Comprehension is the key

“Are cookies and/or ice cream your favorite dessert?”


“Cookies and ice cream!”

“Ice cream!”

All answers could be correct.

When the question is posed as an “and/or”, the meaning (and the correct response) is placed in the responder’s court.

Thankyouverymuch. Carry on.


And/or (also and or) is a grammatical conjunction used to indicate that one or more of the cases it connects may occur.

For example, the sentence “He will eat cake, pie, and/or brownies” indicates that although the person may eat any of the three listed desserts, the choices are not mutually exclusive; the person may eat one, two, or all three of the choices.


The Elements of Style, say “and/or” is “A device, or shortcut, that damages a sentence and often leads to confusion or ambiguity.”


Yea Marcel let them eat a confused cake . :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure you meant to say “confusion and/or ambiguity”, but if it involves cake, I’ll eat it.

…and/or cookies.