Can someone please explain to me why HRV (Air-Exchangers) should Not be operating during a radon test? Gave a presentation to a group of agents and they all thought this should not affect the test, if anything make it higher if it is operating.
I said the influence of constant air movement, either bringing fresh air in or exhausting old stale air could taint the results. Does anybody have a more definitive explanation?
An air-to-air heat exchanger is not the same as an air exchanger. Air-to-air heat exchanger is part of the HVAC system. It can be used to heat or cool the home.
An air exchanger, or Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV), captures the heat from indoor air and exchanges it for fresh outdoor air, thereby introducing fresh air and compromising the Closed-House-Conditions. You don’t want the HRV running for the same reason you want the windows closed.
That is what I thought…and yes I was talking about an air-to-air exchanger, HRV. Around here its common/preferred to let them run 24/7, thus this is the reason I was asked why cant we test with it running if its going to be always operational?
If he can’t post the source of his info he is wrong.
I posted the protocol and it clearly says tht internal external air to air exchangers may run during the test but not high volume air changers such as window fans or attic fans or whole house ventilators(very high volume)
You posted the source. The first line in the quote in your post regarding internal-external air exchangers. Please read the quote you posted. I tried to copy and paste it here, but unable.
Read the line in your quote that is directly before the line you placed in bold. “Internal-external air exchange systems (other than a furnace) … should not be operating during measurements”…
It seems that you’re confusing air changers with heat exchangers.
I’m not ignoring the last line at all. The OP’s question was concerning an air-exchanger, not an air-to-air** heat **exchanger. The source you quoted lists air exchangers along with high volume attic and window fans as devices that should not be operating during the test.
Your turn.
HRV are passive systems tied into the duct work. I agree with Larson, how exactly is an hrv high volume? it references fans, there is no fan inside an hrv cabinet.
On top of that, common sense would prevail. If normal everyday living utilized the hrv, the shutting it down IMO would provide a false report.