Radon testing

Originally Posted By: gmathias
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I have been told that using the continuous Radon monitor for a short term test is the best and most accurate method. How does the readership of this site feel about this?

Originally Posted By: dhernandez
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It’s a great method of testing. But the best test, is long term. a 1 YEAR test will give the best indications of the radon level of a home, because of the fluctuation of radon levels during different weather conditions, and ground temperatures etc. I use a Sun Nuclear 1027 currently. If you are wondering if it’s great to use to provide a service, as in a 48hr test which would be needed during a real estate transaction, that you are also inspecting… it’s great.

But when I do a radon test, I make sure that I tell the client the real deal, because that 48hr test, is but a peak at the radon level, at that particular moment. If the result is high at that moment, before the deal closes, that buyer can try to negotiate the price of the home to include the installation of a mitigation system, then again, they may not go that route, it's their decision. But as a radon tester, it's important to make sure you inform your clients about the limitations of your short term test. Some people will want you to come back and take repeated measurements, others will decide to drop hockey pucks, and send em off to the lab on their own after they understand the situation better. You will also be surprised how many people know a lot about radon, while others think it's nothing but a scam because they can't see or smell it.

But to answer the question.. a CRM is great if you want to provide radon tests, and you will be focusing strictly on testing radon levels for 48hr real estate transactions.


Best Home Inspection Service, LLC

Originally Posted By: dvalley
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Radon monitoring system but I can tell you that the 48 hour charcoal canister tests have always worked for me. A local lab (about 10 minutes from my house) performs all my Radon testing.

Never had a problem with these tests.

David Valley
MAB Member

Massachusetts Certified Home Inspections

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."

Originally Posted By: jhagarty
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PA Radon License



Radon Training / I use this company for Training, Continuing Education, Monitor Sales and Service and Technical Support.


Joseph Hagarty

HouseMaster / Main Line, PA

Phone: 610-399-9864
Fax : 610-399-9865

HouseMaster. Home inspections. Done right.

Originally Posted By: rwills
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I use Eperms. The initial layout is rather high but well worth it in the long run. You can check it out here! http://www.radelec.com/

Bob Wills - MAB Chairman

BW Inspection Services

Warminster, Pa.
