Was thinking of this as an add on as we do have high concentrations of radon in our province.
Couple of questions.
Equipment suggestions? Was looking at the radon eye that gives results in an hour.
Anyone else doing this successfully?
Was thinking of this as an add on as we do have high concentrations of radon in our province.
Couple of questions.
Equipment suggestions? Was looking at the radon eye that gives results in an hour.
Anyone else doing this successfully?
NOT allowed for use in a RE transaction. Homeowner use ONLY!!
Ok thanks for letting me know Jeff. There are people out here offering this service. I guess I will have to investigate further.
There is nothing wrong with offering the service, but the proper equipment MUST be used to perform it!
Hi Jeff, I understand. What do you suggest for equipment?
Yes thanks. I did come across that one. I plan on further education first regarding radon and go from there. Thanks !!
Hi Craig… seeing as you are in Canada, I strongly recommend checking with your local or provincial health organization to see what they allow. Do not assume what is used in the USA will be allowed or available in CA. Also, make your purchase from a Canadian vendor, not a US vendor, due to potential technology restrictions.
Hi Craig,
The U.S. EPA protocol calls for at least a 48 hour test for a real estate transaction. So, a one hour test just wont do. Not sure what CN has for environmental rules.
That said, I use a Radon Eye Pro and I like it alot. I can configure it for any length of test and wait period. I usually set a 12 hour wait period and 48 hour test.
Like Jeff said, Find out what your local requirements are for education and test protocols. Get the education so you’ll have credibility. I’m sometimes asked by listing agents who are concerned about a test done at their listing if a test was done correctly. I just ask if the tester is certified (NRPP or other) and the instrument calibrated. If not, they usually don’t accept the test results as valid.