Return air and Supply air Side by Side

Is it just me? This is a * brand-new construction* home and the return and supply registers are side by side in a 200 s.f. basement room. Is this a common practice?

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Call it out. Poor design.


I agree with Bert…poor design.

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not real effective, as the conditioned air coming out, would just be sucked back in to be circulated in an endless loop…
usually the return is in a area that does not have a vent in close proximity.

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Definitely a poor setup as Bert said. A return of that size being so close to the furnace would take away from all of the rest in the house causing a major imbalance in the system. As William said, there would be an endless loop right there in that room rendering say 2nd floor returns useless. Trying to cool an upstairs room is very difficult to say the least if there is nothing drawing the warm air out…

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