s- trap?

Would this be considered a s-trap that needs to be pointed out? if so what would be the wording?


The quwestion arise from the fact that the horizontal piece is about 6" long

It’s not an “S” trap, but without a wider perspective, it’s difficult to tell if there isn’t other problems.

I agree w/ Jeff. :wink: The only difference between your picture and any other p-trap is your vertical pipe is in front of the drywall or cabinet back.:stuck_out_tongue:

I also agree w/ Jeff that the picture size makes it difficult to tell if there are any other problems.:slight_smile:


…what they said and it wouldn’t hurt for the dishwasher drain line to be at least high looped. :wink:

No vent?
Or just not in the picture?

its a kitchen sink, 2 p traps



Okay. Now that’s just wrong.

Help, I thought something was, that is why i took note and posted this

i believe that both your sink and the disposal should connect together with a T, then 1 trap, then out to stack.

the chrome trap would likely drain in part, into the pvc trap.

even if the disposal trap was installed on it’s own, the bottom piece is still installed bass ackwards and too low.

the water would have to drain down into the trap, then travel up, way up, then out the horizontal leg of the drain.

recommend remedial action by qualified plumber.

It looks like a PP-trap to me

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: !!!

The traps at those sinks must be at the same level when sharing a trap arm.

The trap on the right, could actually fill the trap on the left.

If your jurisdiction allows a “shared trap arm” (which mine doesn’t), the are required to be joined with a wye, or combo-wye (with a clean-out), and run at the same level from the traps to the vent.

Also, the trap on the left looks too deep (because the parts were used improperly).