savvy inspector

Wondering if any one used the savvy inspectors services?
If so how does it work and does it work?

Looks like a good site, only if they will finish it.
Not enough info to make me to buy at this time. Read some of the articles, which have some good info.

I looked at the site, watched the one long video it haven’t decided either.
I will say that when I took my WDI cert course in October (Indiana) a group of us were talking on a break. The savvy inspector came up and I talked about a couple features on the site in a video.
One of the guys standing with me said the couple was his aunt and uncle and they went from.a solo shop to a five inspector firm in under two years.
Might be.
On the flip side I believe that solid business practices and good cold calling, networking and community marketing will go a long way to growing a business

Everybody claims to have the “secret”, and they want to sell it to you. There is no “secret”, it just takes hard work and dedication to be successful.

Been doing the cold call, drop in’s, and trying to network with others. Broker friend of mine told me to give away some inspections.

The best HI marketing program is:

Just tell the REA’s that you are new, charge $199, and your phone will ring off the hook.

Is that how you started off? If so did that really work?.

Some friend!

What do you think that friend would say if you suggested he/her work for free?

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He was being sarcastic.

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No ****!! DON’T give inspections away!! MAYBE 25% less.

The Savvy Inspector or Home Inspector help is all about that $$$. They do a tremendous job putting on a show around how they are all about helping home inspectors grow. They will be there for you everystep of the way to help, yadda yadda. When you sign on the dotta line half the stuff your promised goes up in smoke, if your thinking about doing it, record that introductory call where they promise the world, because if its not on tape they get real forgetful. I went with the best plan offered, when I asked why some of the items I thought I would get wern’t happening I was told they have other more expensive plans for all that. Not when I signed up, but they move you alone to other tiers. The one on one service is them putting you in with other team members working on your monthly posts in Active collab. It is one of the worst tools I have worked with. There isnt much that is intuitive with this product, so it makes communication difficult. Maybe thats intentional. I tried getting on the phone with someone, won’t happen from a collaboration standpoint. Once they couldn’t log in to post my content, for 8 days no phone call, no personal email, i got a notification in my active collab that they couldnt log in due to a password change so they just didnt do anything. I have a dedicated team for me, but when they cant do something they just stop until I get logged into my active collab and change the password and give it to them, they cant shoot me a call to let me know and see whats up? They are Fake. All the content on the site is good, but it isn’t anything any of you havent thought of doing already. They just talk about how you should do it, they don’t give you ideas on execution, or content to download to make the execution easier. As a one man shop I was looking for ways to make my life easier. Thought maybe I could click on a category and get options on things to download to send out, or emails I could play with to send to get good responses from, ect. Absolutely nothing like that despite me suggesting it. He had an extremely successful home inspection business apparently, so he has to have all that available, and it would be easy to put out for his people. My thought is if he is to helpful you wont need to pay him that $600 plus dollars a month anymore. For me, if someone truly helped me that much I would stay because I would be loyal and recognize that. I would feel an obligation to the people that helped me and in turn want to help them. All I want to do for those folks is warn others ab out my experience. He talks so much about going to the mat for people to help them out. I reached out once for a one on one to pick his brain. He agreed. I got put off for 6 weeks and than offered to get kicked down to someone else they just hired. On the platform I reached out to other inspectors to start a group once a week to jump on a conference call or video call and brain storm and kick around ideas, the owner sent me a personal message telling me I can’t do that and need to keep it all in the forum. As you can probably tell I’m not a fan at all. They built me an ok website and overcharged the Sh*% out of me for it if you look at the cost of ownership. Another great part about that, I’m finally getting out of my contract and about to get my files and I get an email from his wife saying well if you leave here are all the things you will lose off your site and can’t take with you. Wait a minute, when we started this thing you said I got to take the site, you never said I got to take some of the site and other parts would be missing. I would say you can find better out there for what they charge.