Betting there has been other posts, but here is a reminder for the new guys.
They tried to hit me up for $125.;-):twisted::roll:
Same thing every year. Then someone always falls for it.
Thanks for posting Samuel. I hadn’t seen it before and quite sure it’ll help someone here from falling prey.
And, don’t forget the “filing of the corporate minutes” scam.
That’s the one they sent me today… $125. They usually send it immediately after an update or change to your real account has been made. I had the first letter from them in the " yet to be paid" box, and they sent me another one on different letterhead for the same thing. That’s when I realized it was a scam. All their material looks very official for those who are unsuspecting. I wish the state would do something about this, I bet these scammers spend a lot of time on a nice BiG boat somewhere.
I used to get that every year, this was the first year in a while that I didn’t get one.
I got an email yesterday from a guy needing a home inspection ASAP and wanting to send me an inspection fee plus a down payment on the house for me to give to the seller;-):roll::shock:
See the emergency forum above.
Seems it’s a nationwide scam sent out through the find an inspector link
See misc. section above not emergency section.
Yes I think that is nationwide, this one is targeting Florida business owners specifically. I sure they make a ton of cash. And their probably run the same scam in other states. When you open a company they send you an official looking form saying “open immediately” “your business may be terminated by the state”. People who don’t know better have probably been making payments to them for years.