Seattle / Tacoma Chapter

Originally Posted By: cnordby
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Saturday! should I just arrive early and bring the banner? Or is there someone I should be contacting to get it earlier? thanks! Looking forward to meeting icon_biggrin.gif . Cheryl


Seattle, WA.

Originally Posted By: cnordby
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Guess there is no meeting? Nobody is attending? icon_wink.gif I heard from someone a couple months ago about this meeting and wrote back to please keep me informed and haven’t heard a peep since. Called and left a voice message twice, but never heard back. Who is the planner of this meet? My email can be weird at times, so maybe I didn’t receive anymore notices.

so.................IS there a meeting or not? Is it just you and I attending Nick? It will be great to meet you.

Seattle, WA.

Originally Posted By: cnordby
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…(thanks for letting me know Richard!) Well shucks…I was looking forward to meeting Nick and some home inspectors. gosh darn it…dag nabit.

Please let me know when there will be a Seattle meeting. thanks and sorry to take up cyberspace with my ditzy message.

Have a fun weekend everybody! Guess I will go out for a margarita with my sister Saturday night instead, since Bellingham is kinda far. ![icon_cry.gif](upload://r83gSGUzNOacIqpjVReDwcR83xZ.gif)

Seattle, WA.

Originally Posted By: rmoore
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The Bellingham meeting of the NW Washington chapter is May 18th, at 6:00 PM at the Best Western Lakeway Inn, Bellingham, Washington. That's this coming Tuesday, not Saturday. Don't know if that makes any difference on you attending or not but thought I should correct your post.

More info is at .

I'm going to try to get up there.

Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA

Originally Posted By: cnordby
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

thank you Richard… I am glad you set the date straight. Wish I could go to the meet. Cheryl


Seattle, WA.

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

