Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Richard, there was some interest expressed previously, but no one stepped up to the plate to get it going. I have sent you a PM with some ideas, but it looks like you are up to bat.
Originally Posted By: rmoore This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I talked to Richard Pasquier today, and we are going to work on this together. We have a tentative date set for Saturday, May 15th. Both Nick and Dave Bush have indicated that they will attend...cool.
Location is still up in the air...but we are both looking into the options.
All offers of help appreciated. Once we are definate on place and time we will try to spread the load around.
First question is what do we call this chapter? "Western Washington" is a bit of a mouthful while "Seattle" may be too localized (I like it, but then I live in the city). Sea-Tac anyone?
More to come as it develops...
-- Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA
Originally Posted By: rpasquier This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I think the Sea-Tac chapter is perfect, because just calling it the Seattle or something along those lines just doesn’t cover it all, I think Sea-Tac chapter covers it…
Originally Posted By: rmoore This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
You have any thoughts on the name? I'm in agreement with my cohort Richard P. that Sea-Tac (with the hyphen to distinguish it from the city of Seatac) or perhaps Seattle-Tacoma would be more encompassing of our area than just Seattle. But, as this chapter is really going to be for most of Western Washington, that actually might be better. Then, of course, there's "Puget Sound" 
I'm fine with any of them...I guess we just need someone to officially name this baby.
-- Richard Moore
Rest Assured Inspection Services
Seattle, WA