Originally Posted By: lhenning This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am a relatively new member looking for someone to take me on a Ride Along. I live in the Pittsburgh, PA area (Etna). Anyone within 1.5 hour drive, willing to take me on a Ride Along can contact me at (412) 780-2404.
Currently, I am available Wed.&Sat evenings (after 5pm) and anytime on Sunday’s. With 48 hr. notice I could be available for most days/times.
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
When you say you are only available on wed & sat's after 5pm, all day sunday and you need 48 hours notice, are you sure you really want someone to take you along on an inspection? Not too many people can accommodate those limitations.
Originally Posted By: lhenning This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would NOT have posted the message if I did not REALLY want someone to take me on an inspection! What's wrong with needing some "heads up" as to when someone would be willing to let me tag along...?
I have two young children; my wife works during the day; I work evenings until I get my HI business off the ground! I will make arraingements if someone can take me on an inspection!!
Originally Posted By: jmyers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
It is a challenge to get another inspector to take new inspectors on ride alongs to begin with. If you start putting limitations on when, where, why and how you want to do those ride alongs, I can pretty much guarantee that you will not get many volunteers.
I do understand that you have obligations to fulfull in regards to you life and your family and I sympathize with you. This comes down to a matter of how much you are willing to give and find alternatives in order to become an inspector, know what I mean?