Selfish OAHI

Why am I not surprised .
It continues to happen that the directors of OAHI and the OAHI Past presidents club continue to scam those who wish to become inspectors.
Just how many have they over the years taken much money from who do
work at the inspection industry .
Almost 100% of those poor souls that they have talked into giving them money .
Well another of our great leaders is starting up a give us your money and we will be so happy for us inspection school .
I can see why the BOD tries to make sure that the count of RHIs has stayed around the 200± mark for ever.
They love to run the scams of franchises and schools .
they do not need to do inspections just take money from the never ending group that they keep lying too .
This is sure far from fair .
Ernest Brown (Brown Stone Home Inspections:]( is the course instructor for: [size=2] Ontario Trade Academy
Irene Luckese
Toronto, Canada M3L 1A2
Phone: (416) 844-9667
Toll free number:
You now know why your director has no time to look after your complaints .

The more I hear,
the more I see!
NACHI is the one for me !
Roy Cooke R.H.I.
A HAPPY NACHI MEMBER,… More find this out ever day!

Remember Whistler

Et al:

Another reason why licencing is required, and that with licencing only accredited colleges can graduate inspectors, no more over hyped baloney marketing, puppy mills and overall degredation of the industry. Not to mention the undermining of competitive professional pricing for a very high risk venture.

Licencing; the great equalizer, can’t wait.

OAHI just proves the old story Amateurs teach amateurs to be amateurs.

It was interesting for many years great people who where elected tried to improve things .
They saw that it could not be done so they resigned .
My heart goes out to them they tried hard to improve things and just found out the old guard likes to be in control
stay in control and if you will not do things their way they will swear at you and throw books call you bad things till you give up.
At least those who left knew that things would not improve .
To you I say thanks for trying to those who go with the flow even though you must see many things wrong
I say shame you are not being fair to your self and the members who deserve better then they are getting.
These are the people who would like to take control of all Canadian Home Inspectors.

The more I hear,
the more I see!
NACHI is the one for me !
Roy Cooke R.H.I.
A HAPPY NACHI MEMBER,… More find this out ever day!

Remember Whistler

Roy in all fairness 100% - do you have proof? Or is this a best guesstimate?

What are the r"eaders" feelings towards accrediting educators such as those specifically teaching home inspection courses. Currently - like the current situation in Canada - anybody can call themself a home inspector, home inspection educator, or start a home inspection training program. True/false?

So not taking sides here - but is this not a universal problem? Or as Ray noted what about those teaching through “provincially” recognized venues such as colleges? Are they too - all qualified adult educators? Do we need to now license all teachers for home inspection training? I really don’t think so. However, I will qualify that by stating your topic has relevance to most of the home inspection training side of this sector. Hopefully we can draw out some suggestions on how to solve this belief or better yet fix the parts that need fixing.

On the flip side are all “home inspection educators amateurs training amateurs”? I don’t think so. At least I know there are a few good ones!

Just my personal view point.

Gee Claude I guess you see nothing wrong with talking people into taking a home inspectors course and spending a lot of money and time to try and become a home inspector.
When we both know that most never stand a chance of making a living inspecting homes .
OAHI?CAHPI as as you and others insinuate is the premier association in Ontario & Canada ignores telling these people the truth ,that the odds of most of them making this their profession for the rest of their life is almost non existant.
This similar to the snake oil sales people of years ago.

  1. A worthless preparation fraudulently peddled as a cure for many ills.
  2. Speech or writing intended to deceive; humbug.
    SHAME! SHAME! SHAME! on you for condoning OAHI/CAHPI in this.
    As per usual I expect you to turn this around and try to draw NACHI into it .
    You continue to evade this and not answer direct questions.
    ( I guess you are a member of the Liberal party)

The more I hear,
the more I see!
NACHI is the one for me !
Roy Cooke R.H.I.
A HAPPY NACHI MEMBER,… More find this out ever day!

Remember Whistler

Added "On the flip side are all “home inspection educators amateurs training amateurs”? I don’t think so.
sorry Claude I stand by my statement on Amateurs teach amateurs to be amateurs


Yes to Colleges, even though I don’t like how some providers have managed to secure their positions within Colleges, and NO to puppy mills turning out inspectors at an alarming rate. This last scenario only hurts us all while enriching the those that prey on naivety of wannabe’s. If you can’t make it as a home inspector then the next best thing is to teach the wannabe’s, that seems to be the motto with some in OAHI.

Of course that my personal point of view to. :wink:

I must say this I had Claude as an instructer for one of the coares I had to take on line and out of all the instructer I had Claude was one of the best.He was on line and answer question quickly others would take weeks to get back to you.One other thing of the coares I have taken the one that should be improved or removed from the list is plumbing it is just a repeat of the part 9 coares

The defect recognition course and part 9 taught by OAHI are money making opportunities for a self regulating non profit association. Do you know how much money OAHI rakes in thanks to its self serving educational courses? So much for non profit!

Like one year the Report Verifier was teaching an electrical course and had one of the students come up and stick his finger in the light socket. The report verifier (former teacher) sure knows alot about electricity, but then again he carrys a 32 foot ladder on a VW Jetta. That in itself is a road hazard. And if you as an inspector don’t carry a 32’ ladder and do not go on roofs you will be failed come report verification. Not to mention the money making opportunities for reviewing reports. $$$$ cha ching, cha ching…


Roy I think you are misreading my post. I did not say that or will I agree to accept that. Certainly I disagree with such practices, (leaving ALL associations out of this) but there is nothing illegal about charging to take a course. On the flip side I commend NACHI for offering free courses. But neither scenario guarantees that a person can or will be successful at home inspection. Nor that a person is qualified enough to become an inspector.

Are there good instructors and bad instructors - again certainly! Are there good and bad courses - certainly. There are some courses worth the value paid, and others that offer little value at all.

Again no one person or group has a monopoly on making $$$$ for a profit or non-profit, or under the table situation. One need not look too far to find other gleaming examples - so I will not provide examples of those.

I wonder are you misreading MY post or do you feel what OAHI?CAHPI is doing is proper and good for the industry to see
the associations taking money from Wish to be home inspectors who would have a better chance winning the Ontario 649 loto.

They are far from helping the members by spending so much effort on teaching when they should be trying
to help their own members and leave the teaching to the Colleges.

OAHI just proves the old story Amateurs teach amateurs to be amateurs.

The more I hear,
the more I see!
NACHI is the one for me !
Roy Cooke R.H.I.
A HAPPY NACHI MEMBER,… More find this out ever day!

Remember Whistler

Ray the part 9 coares I took were from Fanshaw College and not from OAHI but the Defect recognition was OAHI and I did get very tiered of beening told you can be sued for this and that by members of OAHI who were teaching the coares.The one great benifit of NACHI is the free coares.Most of the coares I have taken that are required by OAHI were through the colleges and are very exspensive to the point some could not afford to take them.If you can afford the the coares it would take about 4 years to finish like it did for myself

Thanks Rob, I stand corrected.

I also think OAHI RHI Inspectors teach the above courses or they did which is a joke in itself.

Other “Benefits of Membership”? What are those benefits? Can’t think of any.

As to OAHI concerns about members being sued, why do you think the insurance premiums went through the roof? Because many, many OAHI members have been sued including me. Some insurers will tell you that premiums are higher if you belong to OAHI/CAHPI then they are if you are independent. So that tells me you are better off not being a member.
Claude Why am I not surprised that you ask questions but evade others who ask you a question .
This is typical of OAHI/CAHPI evade ,EVADE,EVADE!
You both are from the same school …( school?)
The more I hear,
the more I see!
NACHI is the one for me !
Roy Cooke R.H.I.
A HAPPY NACHI MEMBER,… More find this out ever day!

Remember Whistler

Why respond? To give your suggestion or allegation of impropriety credence?

What poll or facts have been collected to prove the real value of such statements? Scientifically based or just by a few unhappy people?

First the question must be based on uneqivocal facts to deserve an “honest” answer. Than one needs to know or be armed with facts to respond. As noted above - why give credence to the question by answering the questions based on what an extreme few may think. Furthermore allegations are just that - a statement describing what that position is and what that person intends to prove. Where’s the proof?

Bring that forward - than we have someting to discuss and provide “reasonable” answers to the subject.

BTW - who is the person noted in your starter post? I don’t know him - why should I really care? Dare I say there are others out there that are home inspectors that may possibly fit this description, beyond the realm of just OAHI? What about them?

…( 1) You seldom respond to any questions.

…(2 ) Gee you do not need a poll or be a professor to see that we have a large amount of schools giving courses to turn out Home Inspectors and still OAHI maintains about 200± RHIs.

…( 3) A simple Goggle could tell you who the latest OAHI leader is of this school

…( 4) Strange you find it humorous that in Ontario many continue to teach people to become home Inspectors and after spending considerable time and money they seldom succeed.

…( 5) I wonder how these who do not tell the truth to these poor soles sleep at night I see nothing negitive about the truth.

No problem - I added the disclaimer to help assure any real or even the possibility of perceived conflict of interest. Some seem offended when I mention a product, or endorsement - sometimes they are even just are offended by my post regardless of content - so when in doubt cover it with an open disclosure…( 4) Need to humour those who fine negativity in everything! --…( 5)

The more I hear,
the more I see!
NACHI is the one for me !
Roy Cooke R.H.I.
A HAPPY NACHI MEMBER,… More find this out ever day!

Remember Whistler

As I stated before if you feel you have all the answers - great. But why is there such a dire need to continually waste others time here on airing dirty laundry about OAHI, CAHPI and other associated people? Two years later and nothing has changed in your relentless pursuit. Why not simply let things go. Don’t we have more “constructive” things to offer other members here?

Personally - I find some of the personal attacks and comments equally as unprofessional of some allegations claimed! - Thats my opinion. Perhaps it simply makes NACHI look like it has a “few” members that are also out of control. Do you think it may even have a detrimental effect on Inter-Nachi?

As Nick responded to me before - its an open forum and how do you control postings such as the diatribe of trashing everything and named individuals. - He has a very good point; but perhaps wiser individuals and others see it very differently! They do have a solution. So don’t for a minute forget that I may be the only one responding, but others are watching and listening. Very attentively with a purposeful plan in mind. Not a threat - simply a way to clear the good names of people and associations you continue to slander.

I would simply suggest that you seriously consider cutting back on such rhetoric.

I do not have all the answers if fact I have very few answers you and others do not respond and give the answers.
Your saying I should cut back and that it is not a treat but telling me it is slander borders on intimidation the way I see it .
This is completely the way OAHI treats its members I guess they have trained you well .
Want me to stop them why not have OAHI and CAHPI give us the information.
I stand behind my statements and want only the truth for all inspectors . Telling me others are listening is too bad for them .
At least Claude you have the courage and courtesy to stand up and give me your openions .
I most certinly appreciate it and thank you for it .
My personal attacks as you say are no different then those of some in OAHI and I do not ever remember you chastising them
( Could they be to close to you ) How about fair treatment for all.
If you and the rest do not like my posting of my openion then you have three choices .
(1) keep reading ,
.(2) Stop reading and complaining
.(3) Our as you say take me too court .
I would just love to meet these people and have them on the stand where they would be forced to tell the truth.

The more I hear,
the more I see!
NACHI is the one for me !
Roy Cooke R.H.I.
A HAPPY NACHI MEMBER,… More find this out ever day!

Remember Whistler

Claude says (So don’t for a minute forget that I may be the only one responding, but others are watching and listening.)
Sounds like many know where to come to find out what goes on in the real world .
It is so unfortunate that NACHI is the only one who helps all Canadians to know what is going on.

Well at least we don’t get suspended for posting public documents and don’t get suspended for defending ones self unlike the CAFE where Mr. Bennett can act outside the confines of the forum rules and suspend people and use his slacky to enforce the suspensions on innocent parties, then claim he is a volunteer and doesn’t get paid. This bozo is now President of AATO and the same guy who sits on the Board of Examiners and the By-law committee. Boy thats rich. Just like the time OAHI came out with a by-law demanding loyalty to OAHI, trying to silence the whistle blowers or those they cannot stand leaking the truth. Or the same way they demand BOD to sign confidentiality agreements to ensure their screw ups are never exposed. Boy thats rich. Claude you seem to be part of the status quo. Being part of the status quo is easy; I could do that, but there is no honesty in it.

Todays Chuckle , Found this flyer given to Realestate offices in Ont by OAHI.

The Ontario Association of Home Inspectors

The mission of the Ontario Association of Home Inspectors is to
Lead the Home Inspection profesion by delveloping and maintaining
professional standards, education,ethics and disipline.

Only OAHI inspectors give you the confidence of knowing that you
are dealing with the best!

The more I hear,
the more I see!
NACHI is the one for me !
Roy Cooke R.H.I.
A HAPPY NACHI MEMBER,… More find this out ever day!

Remember Whistler