Rather than relocating the cable to an alternative location, the Utility Company added an insulater to the cable to prevent damage from rubbing on the roof surface.
Those crazy POCOs :mrgreen:
I see bugs. Was there a seal on the meter base?
No Drip Loop.
Cable over and in Contact with the Roof.
Joe, you need to start your own Travesty section here…
I’m beginning to wonder who is finding crazier $hit…You—or Me?..:twisted: …:lol:
… …](*,)
Split bolt connectors. They fail over time, so they are only used till the poco installs insulated crimps. So I flag this in my reports as an issue worth asking the seller about, and the poco for verifying job order is closed.
Hi Joe, that is all messed up, but as the utility company is their own AHJ all you can do is write it up, I have the same situation here at my own home, the utility sleived the service drop through an Aok tree, rather than cut it back.
Truly a Travesty. This was an inspect of a professional installation and apparently approved / completed by the Electric Utility Provider.
I don’t think so joe…:mrgreen: