IMHO Looks to me like a manufatcuring defect. They use a black paint/ink for labeling. It looks like a bad nozzle or a leaking hose. Not a defect in the OSB. GP manufactures this just down the street.
I could totally see an inexperienced inspector saying this was mold and scaring the living day lights out of the client. Literally this was everywhere. The buyers were there and said “oh my god thats allot of mold”
The buyers were there and said “oh my god thats allot of mold”[
the minute I hear this from a client I DO NOT try and calm their media driven fears…reason being I don’t know from the pic or when I’m onsite what may be present unless sampling is done which I don’t endorse. But I do note unusual stains, spots, discolorations…and allow them to choose their poison…with their realtor
the black spots may just be black spots/labeling paint… or it could be the ever harmful man eating crap thats in the news and whets the legal eagle’s appetite](“http://”)
Most likely someone splatter something at the worksite when it was in a stacked uncovered pile.
Cleaning a foundation form oil sprayer and it went on the sheets.
Nothing alarming to me and would not even note it.