Would you be OK with this drain configuration to a master bath shower?
Seems wrong to me.
although not ideal it is probably less of an issue for a shower than a tub or sink…less chance of sucking the trap dry with a shower I would think
Thanks James, actually the bath tub drain that was properly configured was somewhat slow draining and the shower drained fine.
Now the laundry configuration was recently reconfigured due to a interior basement system and now that the drain is sealed I recommended a trap.
I’d probably put it in the report (not the Summary) and say it wasn’t typical but that it should function adequately.
Dave that looks like an S trap to me.
It requires 3 inches horizontal run after that 1 1/2 inch trap.
The piece after it, qualifies as a vertical pipe in my eyes.
Dave the the laundry sink as it is now configured should have a trap, personally i would not make an issue of the other…jim
Someone please explain how the shower is not an S trap.
I’m sure not disagreeing with You Bob…you could make a very convincing argument for that in fact being an S trap…I said in my opinion for a shower application although not truly a proper trap set up i really don’t think it will ever cause an issue as it is…wasn’t trying to be confrontational just offering an opinion…
Good/Great opinions, that is why I post.
Some days the lights are dimmer than others and I need some claification.
Minimum for a shower drain is 2"
This one is marginal with regard to the S trap but probably will function just fine with out siphoning risk.(gut feeling)
I would call it out as potential problem and recommend correction if sewer gas is smelled in the shower in the future.
Minimum permissible horizontal run would be 3 inches , as it must be double the diameter of the trap size.
1 1/4" is normal for a bath sink ,but I believe the shower drain here is 1 1/2" , unless you are saying the trap is a 1" dia pipe that I have never seen on a plumbing drain before.
Not seeing a ruler in the pics and no markings on the pipe how are you sure it’s 1-1/2" ?
Are you saying David would not have called it out if to small.
It is called experience Mike.
Now please show me a shower drain that a fellow Nachi member would not have enough brains to call out if 1" in diameter.
I trust David as being smart enough.
You lost me Bob.:roll:
I think it’s 2" but I can’t tell for sure from the pic. Can you?
BTW-My dad was a plumber. I bet I have done more plumbing that you.
Do not be so sure,though you may have done a bigger variety.
I had seven buildings I managed and maintained for over ten years,which is a lot of traps,since we used galvanized back in the eighties.
Lots of Chicago Brand faucets too.
I do not miss the fun of using that chisel.
(oh if you are right ,then it needs to be 4")
What is that 3/4 line from?
Hope it’s not from the HVAC unit…
Hi Bob,
My understanding of a pipe maximum run is based on slope of pipe which should be 1/4 inch per foot.
e.g. for a 1.25 inch pipe, maximum run would be 5 feet (1.25 / .25) without a vent, 1.5 inch pipe, 6 feet, for a 2 inch pipe, maximum run would be 8 feet, etc.
I haven’t heard of minimum run but it makes sense.
Yes that is the condensate. This home had an interior drainage system installed in this corner of the basement. I figure it had an open drain and when they installed the sump and basement system the installed a fixed, sealed drain.
My assumption is the basement system installer is not a qualified plumber.