Shutdown will stall home loans for thousands

The good news, tax audits are postponed.

“While the government is closed, people with appointments related to examinations (audits), collection, Appeals or Taxpayer Advocate cases should assume their meetings are cancelled. IRS personnel will reschedule those meetings at a later date”.

But the taxes are still being removed from our paychecks and employers are paying taxes on their employees on top of that, which means the taxes being withheld are more than what shows up on your pay stub.

The Federal government then siphons of a bunch of that money and creates more drugs (programs) to addict us to.

Can you imagine how rich we’d all be if we would have been able to keep most of that money and if our employers could have paid us instead of the government for every hour we’ve worked all our lives? Wow. They wasted all that money, borrowed from our children, borrowed from our grand children and wasted that money too. Any government employee suggesting more programs should be sent to Guantanamo.

I agree with that. The sad part many state and local governments are following this tactic.

Americans could all be buying their homes with cash if the federal government would stop harming us financially:

  • Keeping interest rates at zero so we aren’t rewarded for saving.
  • Printing fiat money to devalue the purchasing power of our dollars.
  • Wasting crazy sums of money on invading other people’s homelands.
  • Bailing out private companies so that they don’t go bankrupt and get replaced by better ones.
  • Backing home loans and student loans which inflates housing and education costs.
  • Tricking people into home ownership so that they can’t move to where the jobs are.
  • Using our money to subsidize wasteful monstrosities like stadiums and casinos.
  • Running crappy public school monopolies even though private schools do it better for less money.
  • Operating P.O.W. torture camps which earns the victim’s families and countrymen the moral right to kill our women and children.

The federal government needs to shut down permanently. I don’t even think they should do space exploration at this point.

Then we have nuts on TV saying the economy is being harmed because the money the federal government drained out of the free market through taxes isn’t being spent by the government. How nutty is that?

I agree with a few of your ideas which I highlighted, but as for the rest, they are just plain NUTS.

Remember: The government has no money. None. Zero. It can only take money out of the economy that would otherwise be growing the economy and spend it less efficiently. Multiply that waste on a grand scale and this is the economy you get. Now they want to take more out of the economy for yet more programs. They are nuts.

Which one is the nuttiest and why? I think they are all dead on… and all harming us.

Nick I am sure you’re aware that the Government sells bonds. But that is another subject which has to do with the debt ceiling, although it is all intricately tied together

China Concerned U.S. May Default On Treasury Bonds, Huge Impact For Chinese Economy

Do I really need to explain why?

I’m not even going to read your link, the title is already wrong. The U.S. already defaulted. It matters not to the lender if you pay the lender back with less dollars than was owed or with dollars that have lost purchasing power because we printed more of them. It’s still a default. The U.S. already defaulted, even if we one day pay China back every dollar because we simply printed those dollars which made every dollar we repaid them with (including the ones you have in your wallet) worth that much less.

When I say that, I mean the federal government could shut down 99% of itself permanently and still fulfill the very few, limited duties it is charged with and limited to by our constitution. The other 99% they have stuck their nose into is none of their business.

Tell me what other country on the planet could take our place as the gold standard.

Well, except for the the last one we are on the same page.

GITMO was a solution(though imperfect) to a very real need. Claims of torture there are inflated IMHO.

I think we can do far better as a country but war sucks and there are not always easy solutions.

It is long past time that we got out foreign countries and abandoned any notion of nation building using our military.

It obvious that neither party is capable of doing the right thing in a timely manner. Our troops deserve much better leadership from our politicians.

The signs are just starting to show themselves. The longer the shutdown goes on, the more people will feel it.

The Republicans are feeling it through the polls right now & will feel it come November 2014.

Of course! The longer an addict can’t get a fix, the more he feels it. They’ve forgotten that they pay taxes on everything, more than once. The coffee I’m drinking right now is taxed, the money I bought it with is taxed, the fuel in the truck that delivered it is taxed. Can you imagine how the “people would feel” if all that money would stay in the economy instead of being sucked out of it? We’d all be rich… and I’m not exaggerating.

kevin, you pretend that people are not also holding all of congress and president Obama accountable as well.

You also appear to think that all government spending is good for the economy.

The neat truth is that the more money people have in their pockets the more they spend.

The sad fact is that the government takes the money out of their pockets and wastes a good portion of it.

I disagree. We would not ALL be rich.

There would still be poor people who need help. There would still be criminals wanting to take from others.** Companies would become monopolies screwing all of us out of any extra money and then some you might have just to keep food on your table & your house warm.**

Remember the big Bush tax cuts in 2001? Mine went directly to the oil companies via my gas tank when the price of oil spiked. Thanks for nothing President Bush.

The government takes the place of the criminal by lawfully stealing your money and spending it ways you would not choose for yourself.

And government is the creator of

Our federal government has created more monopolies than any businessman. And they did it by giving tax breaks and money to their friends. They are the criminals. The public school system is proof of that. Private schools kick their as-s and do it at 1/2 the price, but the government still insists we pay their monopoly even if we take our kids out of it!

Monopolies? Our government is king of crappy monopolies. They call these monopolies… too big to fail. More accurately… too big to fail so we’re giving them your money.

Now that’s a monopoly!