Smoke detector going off due to humidity??

A customer of mine today, said that his smoke detectors went off last night @ 4:00 am (with no fire thank God). He has a humidistat and he said it was at 95% relative humidity in his house at that time. He is a firefighter, so he is very fire conscious, and asked me if it was the humidity, and I have NEVER heard of anything like it…

Any imput???

Happens all the time. Here is a link to read up on.

Why would anyone have 95% humidity in their house unless they live in New Orleans? That’s nuts!!!

Anything that ‘unbalances’ the circuitry, specifically smoke, will set the alarm on ionization. The calls I mostly get, is clients calling me about the smoke detectors in unfinished spaces, in the dead of winter. Cold air can block the particles too.


Grow house?

Ty for the info, Come visit Michigan in the summer, and see what the humidity is sometime:) this was helpful