Originally Posted By: wpoole This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Just finished an inspecton on new construction. The 3-tab asphault shingles were installed with staples - not roofing nails! It was amazing to me that this made it through a code inspection! However, just to make sure I hadn’t missed out on a new code approval in Spring Hill, Tennessee, I called codes and was told, “nope, has to be roofing nails!”
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
IRC wrote:
905.2.5 Fasteners.
Fasteners for asphalt shingles shall be galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum or copper roofing nails, minimum12 gage [0.105 inch (2.67 mm)] shank with a minimum 3/8-inch (9.5 mm) diameter head, ASTM F 1667, of a length to penetrate through the roofing materials and a minimum of 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) into the roof sheathing. Where the roof sheathing is less than 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) thick, the fasteners shall penetrate through the sheathing. Fasteners shall comply with ASTM F 1667
Originally Posted By: dduffy This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have had numerous contractors quite infuriated also. Then you also have the contractors using the nail guns, with three quarters of the nails only set half way, and shingles sticking up all over the roof because they will not seal.
City Building inspectors do not go on roofs in Arizona, so builders will try to sneak staples in sometimes. Bad move, especially when they have to go back and pick all the tabs up and nail them as required.
During our summer monsoon season, inspecting roof claims for insurance companies, 85% of the damage, or missing shingles are directly related to staple use. Instead of tabs blowing off, when nails are used, large sections of shingles peel off, staples and all.
Originally Posted By: gbeaumont This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Dale,
I agree, I don't know why all codes have not banned staples, I am not sure if any shingle manufacturers still list them as approved fasteners, I believe that certainteed does not.
Originally Posted By: dduffy This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Gerry,
I just dealt with the Licensing Agency for contractors in (Arizona), regarding the use of staples on a large apartment complex here in Phoenix by a licensed contractor.
The contractor lost.
That was a big issue, just as you said, the manufactures of the shingle will not warranty the shingle if staples are used.
They also would not warranty the shingles after nails were attached either, because of the damage the staples caused from too much air pressure in the guns, and not a IRC approved method of installation, the state of Arizona, or theirs.
Originally Posted By: wpoole This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Well, I did my job & strongly discouraged my client from purchasing this new home with staples holding the shingles down.
He called me yesterday after he did his “walk-thru” and said he was satisfied with the staples because the builder showed him the packaging that stated they can be installed with them (or nails!).
I did provide my client with a copy or the IRC code & the information I received from the code inspector.
I guess I have done all that I can do…