There was no alarm system to any of the access points to the pool area at the time of the inspection. All windows and doors giving access to a pool should be alarmed to prevent accidental access by small children. The gate access to the pool should be a pull open and self closing gate/door as well as self latching gate. The pool safety features should be reviewed.
I common deficiency I find when inspecting pools is the expansion joints that separate the coping from the decking are not sealed. This deficiency is usually the culprit in failed decking around the pool as had driven rains wash away the sub-base below the decking and over time, cracks form in the finished decking.
The water is pumped under motorized pressure or gravity pressure through pipes into a stainer and into the filter container. The water passes through the gravel, sand and or aluminum sulfate. Contaminates and organisms are trapped down to 60 micros. This medium is cleaned backwashing which flushes the contaminants out without damaging the filter materials.
The infamous Bug Zapper (BZ) has been in on paper since 1911, in production since 1934 and at my grandma house since she seen it at the flea market for $5. The concpet was brilliant in that it would use the model the Venus fly trap has perfected. Baiting unsuspecting female mosquitos and bitting insects into thinking they have an open invite to a flower buffet. To than find out upon landing that the dinner was not serviced.
The BZ usually has a housing designed to divert electricity if the transformer or wire mesh comes in contact with it. The 120 up to 2000 volts would destroy the insect instantly. With a documented kill percentage of .22% of its targeted insect it turned out to be not the most efficient method of bitting insect control. It was discovered that CO2 from human and pet exhales created more excitement for the female mosquito than the UV lights.
The health risk involved with coming into contact with the airborne body parts and misted organs of the insect became another sound reason to look for an alternative to the BZ.
Diseases found in the air and on the material within the 7ft radius of the BZ was just as bad as the diseases the insects carried. So now it becomes an decision between which way you might to get sick.
On top of its inefficient performance and dieases creation disposal process. The BZ was killing more of the helpful insects disrupting sound ecosystems than killing bitting insects. At the end of the day the decision to us a BZ over more proven and inexpensive alternatives would not be a wise or safe decision.
This is a picture of a frozen water pump. This is one reason you must winterize your pool equipment and be aware of the temperature changes in your local climate. This would lead you to believe that there are many other issues with this system including the filter, piping, heater etc. Without proper maintenance and winterization procedures repair and replacement of equipment can be very expensive.
Swimming pool barriers are designed to reduce the amount off death by drowning in swimming pools. There are many codes and guidelines to refer to these codes some specific the state that they are in. Barriers should be at least 48 inches tall and no more then 2 inches of clearance underneath unless the barrier is built onto of the pool structure then no more the 4 inches of clearance underneath. Vertical member should be no more then 4 inches apart. There are many other guidelines to follow. In summary refer to your local codes.
Starting with an observation of the pool area, I notice cracking on the pool surface that will be noted on the report. Cracks on the pool deck are basically a maintenance item but occasionally may be a warning sign of more serious problems.
Pool sand filters are known to be the lowest maintenance of the three types of pool filters. You may only need to open up the tank every 5 years or so. DE filters require removing the internal grid assembly at least annually to clean them well, and cartridge filters don’t backwash, you remove the cartridge and hose clean every so often, depending on the cartridge filter size. Sand filters are the easiest to operate and maintain.
This pool is not filled to the proper level as you can see in the photo the level is below the skimmer which depending on the drain lines could be bad for the pump if it is only pulling water from the skimmer location. Pool level needs to be filled to proper level to ensure proper function for all the mechanical equipment.
Power lines over pools and any power close to pools could be very dangerous to the person in a pool. The proper clearance for a power line over a pool is 226 high and the horizotial clearance is a minimum of 10 feet.
Good Morning, trying to learn all this communication things. Anywaws my name is Raukee Matagi, here to learn about inspections of Pools and Spas. Looking forward to studying with all of you, and learning. Thank You.