We have been asked to attend a review meeting on April 11th to recommend changes to the ONHWPA and TARION.
We have created a survey that is intended to solicit information from Inspectors, Realtors and more importantly consumers about the Ontario New Home Warranty Program and their experiences with TARION.
We ask that those inspectors, in Ontario, who have not received the link (we sent out 1033 emails) please register and do the survey, and more importantly get this out to their Realtor and Client contacts, and ask Realtors to send it to their clients too.
We will be publishing the anonymized statistics at the end of the survey. No personal contact details will be used, sold or otherwise shared as part of the survey.
We have been asked by Justice Cunnigham to reopen this survey to allow more time for people to comment. Please ensure you get this link out to your clients and any Realtors you know. It looks as though the government are actually prepared to make the ONHWPA and Tarion more accountable to home buyers.
Latest deadline for completing survey so we can get results to Justice Cunningham is only 4 weeks off. The more responses we have, the better informed the review board will be and the better the changes to the ONHWPA and Tarion will be.