Originally Posted By: TJ Maciak This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I have a Tempstar (made by HQ) furnace that is model number NUGK100DH03 with a serial number of L88… so I am guessing it is a 1988 furnace. I had a Lennox guy clean it and found out the burners were mostly rusted out. He told me he thought the furnace (100,000 btu’s) was way too big for my 1650sq ft house which is why the burners most likely rusted out. I am getting the replacement burners installed next week but the guy told me he also thought the pilot light should go out after the furnace turns off (once it reaches room temp for the t-stat). I asked the repair man to throw in a new gas valve (in the case the pilot is supposed to go out) but where can I verify this for sure since I dont have documentation on the proper functionality of my specific furnace.
I havent been able to find anything about this furnace, not even a manual that explains whether or not there is an automatic or standing pilot. I also would like to find out how efficient this furnace is. I was told it was probably 90% because of the PVC pipe but it would be nice to be able to verify this information from a manual or some other trustable source.
Also can anyone tell me what the fan shutoff is supposed to be set to for the CAMSTAT? it is currently set at 95 but the range is 90-130 (if I remember correctly).
Originally Posted By: TJ Maciak This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I actually found that feedback site yesterday and did send them a message asking about the pilot light and whether it was supposed to be on all the time or be shut off and reignited when needed. I have yet to hear back from them though. I looked at my furnace panel yesterday and it says on the panel that if you are the homeowner and you do not have the owners manual then you can contact the manufacturer to receive a copy of the manual. I hope they still have a copy of it - even PDF form would be great. I am curious to find out about how long this furnace is expected to last. I notice the new tempstar furnaces have a 5 year functioning part warranty and at the minimum a 20 year warranty on the heat exchanger. There website though has no way of finding information out about older furnaces.
The following is some text that tallen wrote back to me on a similar topic:
tallen wrote:
NUGK100DH03 was made from 1989-1995 all 100,000 btu according to Prestons
If it is a NUGK1100 it was made in 88'
Prestons is a guide/index of manufacturers specifications for gas and oil furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps
I was told it was probably 90% because of the PVC pipe but it would be nice to be able to verify this information from a manual or some other trustable source.
90+ for both units
this was my reply this morning:
Thanks for the information! My model number is definitely NUGK100DH03 and My serial number is L8832119885. I was told by someone else that the two digit number after the L is the year it was made. Also if you look further into the serial number it states 1988 - maybe that is just a fishy coincidence?
Is it possible this was manufactured in 1988 but not actually started to be sold in stores until 1989?
Also does it note in Prestons whether or not this furnace has a standing pilot? My pilot currently stays on even when the furnace is off, but the technician who came out said that he thought the honeywell gas valve had a bad solenoid for the Pilot line. I have already asked the next repair man to replace the gas valve (on the assumption its supposed to shut the pilot off when not in use) but if for some reason this furnace is supposed to have a standing pilot (and my gas valve is not faulty) then I dont want to have to pay for something I did not need.
Originally Posted By: TJ Maciak This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I just received word from a worker at ICP and they told me this information:
Based on the serial number this unit was manufactured in 1988, it has a spark to pilot ignition system, the pilot should go off once the thermostat setting is satisfied.
So I guess preston's was close to being right, but not 100% correct.
They (ICP/Tempstar) are also sending me an owners manual for my unit and also told me that my heat exchange unit is still under warranty (20 years from date of installation). Yippy 
Thanks for all of your help!
This is a very nice forum.