Although I know they’re different from many states, I’m not really familiar with the Texas requirements. Do you have to fill out the Texas checklist form (photo), and do you then supply a typical software-generated report in addition to that?
It’s not really a “checklist form”. Each of the boxes are an indicator of how that section/subsection performed overall. Underneath each subsection are the issues found for that subsection.
The REI 7-5 is the required format for the actual inspection report that is provided to the client. Some slight changes can be made to it but those changes do nothing really to change this format.
Any reporting software vendor that sells to Texas Inspectors should be using this exact format for their auto generated report program. I say they should because TREC does not care what a software vendor sells the Inspector. TREC only cares what the Inspector provides the client. If an Inspector uses a non-compliant format due to their software vendor’s product TREC is not going after the vendor but WILL go after the Inspector.
Hey Kenton,
Inspectors must use the promulgated form in compliance with the Texas occupational code
§535.223 Standard Inspection Report Form](
The inspector has a lot of latitude to extend the form, so long as he stays within the scope of what is OK to change. Basically, the boilerplate, major sections, check boxes and section number must remain in tact. The inspector can add subsections, cover pages, addenda, etc. within that framework.
The two red lines allow for significant expansion over the required components of the report.
IIRC HomeGauge’s default HTML based reports are not TREC compliant due to pagination, but the pdf outputted ones are. HG users can deliver both to the client so long as the “official” one is compliant.
To your question, no, you do not have to provide the “checklist” form and narrative report separately.
Every inspection software inspection package I have looked (at least half-a-dozen) has an option for the Texas report format. It doesn’t change the way you use the program (very much), just the appearance of the report.
For instance, I use HomeHubZone, which uses a room-by-room approach for inputting information (deficiencies and observations), and then collates that information into the major systems in the Texas report.
You will have fewer design options, but that’s the way it goes.
The Devil is in the Standards, not the form.
Yes, the fairly ordered nature of the form is not the issue. The issue is long, long ago when TREC decided to kill the IAC and then rebuild it the SOP has gone to crap!! You, Strahan, and the rest of the crew on the IAC were well on their way to cleaning things up and TREC decided to end that! :roll::roll:
Mannie …
I’m confused. Does it not make perfect sense that Realtors, TREC staff and attornies would know more about how a report should be compiled and look like versus a biased inspector.
Remember ONE very important thing. Texas and their promulgated report format has helped shape licensing in all other states.
Being on a national legislation committee for another home inspector association for years AND being on the BoD that set up the infamous NHIE … You need to always remember the **Texas report format and TREC **were labeled **“The Hill to Die On” **for other state inspector groups being pushed into licensure by the NAR and/or attorney groups.
**“The Hill to Die On” … **If it came down to the end AND they were for sure being jammed into licensure, most every other states inspectors would take almost ANYTHING as long as there was nothing like **Texas report format and TREC in the Bill
I actually like the form for the most part. It is a logical format for reporting but can use some tweaks.
It’s the SOP that has been degenerating since Cahill, Strahan, and Crew were dumped when TREC disbanded the Inspector Advisory Committee (IAC), and then restarted it less than a year later with a “Hand Picked Crew”.
Yeah, but it was fun overwhelming the “new IAC” with Request for Interpretations for 18 months after that.
Yes it was wasn’t it!
And they still have not recovered!!
So now they attack the CE training and we are left with garbage.
Mannie …
To most inspectors in other states (I’ve lived and worked in 5) the Texas form is minimalistic and not the way they inspect.
However, if I had never done OR used another format I might think that way.
One thing that comes to mind is the call I get from an investor … He’s looking at 3 houses BUT only gonna buy 1. He does NOT want FULL inspections at this point … He just wants me to go with him and do a “Walk & Talk” … NO report / NO climbing on Roof or Into Attic; NO taking Electric Panel Cover off … just comment on what I can visually see (60amp panel with 2 sub-panels / 3 layers of roof visible at eaves; ACM on ducts; etc).
He then picks one … makes an offer AND if he gets it, WE inspect it. The **“Walk & Talk” **we charge $150 for. Its WHAT the client wants. Same as on a EIFS or Stucco house … Buyer wants moisture test / Seller OR listing agent throws a hissy and won’t allow PROBING, so BUYER hires us to do a **“Walk & Talk” **on the Architectural Details (almost always something(s) are wrong, missing, etc AND now Seller is either gonna ALLOW probing OR have to DISCLOSE the BAD / WRONG details that are PRONE to MOISTURE intrusion to NEXT potential buyer. SOFTENS the seller up and usually results in a FULL moisture probe type test.
I constantly get told under TREC rules you could NOT do the “Walk & Talk” which seem ludicrous when THAT is what a CLIENT wants.
The Texas required form is not a tool for the “inspection”. It is for writing the report. A Texas Inspector can choose to inspect any way they wish as long as they document it in the proper area of the report form. As a matter of fact for an Inspector who can not generate their own routine, and who has problems putting their observations in the right sections of the form, the report software companies already do that for them within the reporting software. Although anyone who needs a software program to figure out how to inspect and where to document their findings should seriously consider another line of work!
I have absolutely no idea where you came up with the concept that the Texas form is “minimalistic”??? In fact the form covers every system or subsystem of a home that the Inspector is required to inspect as per the Texas SOP. The form itself is also easily expandable to cover anything else the Inspector chooses to inspect that is not required by the Texas SOP. The form itself can be used in many different reporting styles.
As for “never done OR used another format” I have been writing reports most all of my life for one job, function, position, or another. I’ve seen many if not all the various styles of report writing techniques and theories. This form is a logical approach to a logical function.
I have no idea how you drifted into the “Walk & Talk” subject when the original subject is about the Texas required reporting form. There is already an ongoing discussion of Texas and the “Walk & Talk” concept here . As for TREC’s rules with regards to a “Walk & Talk” being “ludicrous” you would need to take that up with them.
Mannie …
Mannie … Many inspectors all across the country as well as long time Texas inspectors also call it minimalistic BUT as you indicated it meets the Texas SoP. By the way, do the Texas inspectors decide what format they will use OR is someone else in charge of that?
You’re cherry picking only part of my response in an attempt to make your point. However just as important as the single sentence you quoted is the sentence here that I have placed in bold.
There are plenty of Inspectors that choose only to perform the minimal requirements outlined by TREC. There are also other Inspectors that choose to exceed those requirements. For those that choose to exceed the requirements they can expand this form to cover that.
With reference to your question in bold above what “format” specifically are you referring to?
Mannie …
Straight forward comment … Do you decide how to format your report; in what order they’re in; what the headings are; etc OR does someone else?
Did you decide how to report on your observations in the Texas form = I - Inspected / NI - Not Inspected / D - Defect / X - Exclude
OR did someone else chose those?
The Texas report format never forced me to perform minimalistic inspections or produce minimalistic reports
How did you come up with that one?
Your questions are rhetorical for obvious reasons.
Yes it has never forced me to perform a minimalistic inspection either. I am forever expanding my reports to handle exceeding the SOP requirements. It is an easy thing to do.
I just posted a comment at the link.