!!!!!!!!!! THANK's JOE FERRY !!!!!!!!!!

"Many thanks to NACHI Attorney Joe Ferry for coming up
to speak at our LI NACHI Chapter meeting.

Joe gave a very informative talk on the perils that
professionals in the home inspection industry face in
today’s cultural climate where clients are not only
aware of their legal rights but are also unafraid to
assert them; how home inspectors can limit their
exposure to suit; the four most important measures
that home inspectors can take to preserve their legal
defenses in the event of suit; the importance of
managing client expectations and, more importantly,
how to do so; clauses that home inspectors should
absolutely have in their pre-inspection agreements;
clauses that they can live without; the importance of
following the SOP; the importance of disclaimers in
the inspection report; and what to do in the event a
claim is presented to you, if you are not insured and
if you are insured.

Joe spoke for over two hours and answered members’
questions for another hour on a wide variety of legal
and insurance issues.

If you have not booked Joe for one of your chapter
meetings, I strongly urge you to do so."

Regards Len Ungar L I Nachi Chapter Pres. ]:grin:

Joe will be in Atlanta for the 10/17/06 Chapter meeting. We can’t wait!
For more information go to www.nachiatlanta.org.
Earl Beahm, Chapter President

Let me know when you’ll be in the Wisconsin area Joe!

I am looking forward to meeting the Atlanta Chapter members on the 17th. Non-members are welcome, too. We had a bunch of non-members sign up after my two NY Meetings.


I think David Nice wants to book me for some time in November or December. Let him know.